must have knowledge of property rights, including on a scientific level be able to reflect on their importance for the possibilities of public regulation
must have knowledge of public regulation and private law, including an understanding of how regulation affects properties development opportunities
must have knowledge of both procedural and substantive law on compulsory purchase (expropriation), nature conservation and the resulting compensation assessment
must be able to analyse and assess the regulation of real property
must be able to analyse and reflect on property value and development opportunities, including the importance of property rights
must be able to assess, select and apply scientific methods in the analysis of real estate regulation
must be able to analyse and reflect on the process of expropriation and the rules for "just compensation"
must be able to assess and reflect on the various instruments, the authorities can use for regulating the individual property
must be able to advise on the individual property’s regulation and consequent development opportunities
must be able to advise on the expropriation process and compensation assessment
Lectures, workshops, seminars, assignments, presentations, miniproject (possibility).
Prøvens navn | Ejendomsret og arealregulering |
Prøveform | Skriftlig eller mundtlig |
ECTS | 5 |
Bedømmelsesform | Bestået/ikke bestået |
Censur | Intern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning |
Engelsk titel | Property Rights and Land Use Regulation |
Modulkode | PLLANK20207 |
Modultype | Kursus |
Varighed | 1 semester |
Semester | Forår
ECTS | 5 |
Undervisningssprog | Dansk |
Tomplads | Ja |
Undervisningssted | Campus Aalborg, Campus København |
Modulansvarlig |
Studienævn | Studienævn for Planlægning og Landinspekt��ruddannelsen |
Institut | Institut for Bæredygtighed og Planlægning |
Fakultet | Det Teknisk Fakultet for IT og Design |