Wind Power System and Renewable Energy Grid Integration


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The module is based on knowledge achieved when studying the 2nd semester on the Master of Science in  Energy Engineering with an electrical specialisation or Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering with specialisation in Offshore Energy Systems or similar.

Learning objectives


  • Have knowledge and comprehension within electrical system overview of wind energy conversion systems
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within wind power generators
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within the power electronics converters in wind power conversion system
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within the wind turbine systems
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within optimisation theory and its application on offshore wind farms and electrical systems
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within operation and control of wind turbines and wind farms
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within renewable energy sources in transmission power systems
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within renewable energy sources in distribution power systems


  • Be able to apply theories to analyse wind turbine systems using digital platforms
  • Be able to apply power flow analysis of large renewable energy systems using digital platforms
  • Be able to implement optimisation in an offshore wind farm and design its electrical systems using digital platforms
  • Be able to simulate the different grid-connected wind turbine systems, including Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind turbines and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) based wind turbines
  • Be able to analyse the impact of renewable energy sources on the power system using digital platforms


  • Be able to understand the state-of-art knowledge within the area of renewable energy
  • Independently be able to define and analyse scientific problems within the area of wind power systems using digital platforms
  • Independently be able to communicate results from advanced wind power technology
  • Independently be able to be a part of professional and interdisciplinary development work in renewable energy technology

Type of instruction

Lectures, exercises, simulations, e-learning activities and group discussions.

Extent and expected workload

Since it is a 5 ECTS course module, the work load is expected to be 150 hours for the student.



Name of examWind Power System and Renewable Energy Grid Integration
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Each student should submit an exercise report. The oral examination will be based on the submitted report.
Permitted aids
With certain aids:
For more information about permitted aids, please visit the course description in Moodle.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleNettilslutning af vindmøller og bæredygtige energiforsyninger
Module codeN-EE-K3-22B
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg, Campus Esbjerg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Energy
DepartmentDepartment of Energy
FacultyThe Faculty of Engineering and Science

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