Fluid Mechanical Analysis Methods


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • Have knowledge and comprehension within analytical, numerical and experimental analysis methodology for fluid flow using digital platforms
  • Have knowledge and comprehension within the flow around or within simplified components


  • Be able to verify analytical and numerical approaches by means of simple laboratory experiments or real measured data series
  • Be able to communicate scientific results professionally by means of a technical report and oral presentation
  • Have an innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour giving value for the developed system or apparatus


  • Be able to control the working and development process within the project theme, and be able to develop new solutions within fluid mechanical analysis methods using digital platforms
  • Be able to define and analyse, in an independent manner, scientific problems within the area of fluid mechanical methods, and based on that make and state the reasons for decisions made

Type of instruction

Problem based project oriented project work in groups where the students focus on proficient project leadership and management when finding their technical solution.

During the project period you should be able to plan and structure the project work, work in groups and solve conflicts, use consensus versus fight/voting and see differences among group members as a strength. You should also work with the structure of a project report and prepare a problem formulation, set up project limitation and time schedule.

The project work is divided into two periods: P0 and P1. P0 for problem analysis and problem formulation and P1 for problem solving. The P0 period lasts 5-6 weeks.

The project work begins with a thorough problem analysis in the form of literature study. Based on the problem analysis, a problem formulation is defined, which will help to define the objectives of the project.

The P0 period ends with a P0 status and presentation seminar with the participation of the project group, an opponent group and the project group's supervisor. Each project group will present a P0 document in front of an opponent group. The opponent group should receive the P0 document 2 days before the P0 status and presentation seminar and will give feedback to the presenting group during the P0 status and presentation seminar.

The purpose of the P0 status and presentation seminar is to give the students feedback on their status of the project work, on the presentation itself and the student’s individual presentation skills as well.

This also means that all students will have to present for an equal time, though in total the group should not present for longer than 30 min, so approx. 5-10 min per student. The presentation is chaired by the supervisor, who is also allowed to give feedback on the above-described topics.

Based on the problem analysis and problem formulation, the students prepare the P1 part of the project report. The project work is documented in a P1 project report, which includes problem analysis, problem formulation, problem solving, analyses and results, as well as discussion and conclusion.

The project should be based upon a simple fluid flow problem. The problem should be investigated using analytical, numerical and experimental methods using digital platforms. The problem can be a process or a typical engineering component which involves single phase fluid flow of a stationary or a transient nature. The project should involve the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of the simple fluid flow problem. The simulation should be verified by laboratory experiments or real measured data series and the validity of any assumptions made should be checked.

The purpose of the project may be:

•    To analyse the performance of an engineering component
•    To investigate the validity of empirical expressions or
•    To conduct parameter variations on a design or similar

The project work is documented in a project report.

The project can also be a part of a so-called LeadENG project also in cooperation with industry, where several project groups from more departments are participating, each doing their part of the large project to find a total solution.

Project work including supervision may be supplemented with lectures, workshops, presentation seminars, consultant meetings regarding PBL content, laboratory tests, etc.

Extent and expected workload

It is a 15 ECTS project module, and the student workload is expected to be 450 hours


Prerequisite for enrollment for the exam

  • It is a precondition for participation in the exam that the student has submitted a P0 document and has participated in the P0 status and presentation seminar.
  • In case the student does not submit a P0 document or does not participate in he planned P0 status seminar, the student will have to present the P0 document to the supervisor no later than two weeks after the planned status seminar.
  • In case of a re-exam, the student must present the P0 document to the supervisor before the exam.


Name of examFluid-Mechanical Analysis Methods
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Permitted aids
With certain aids:
For more information about permitted aids, please visit the course description in Moodle.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleFluidmekaniske analysemetoder
Module codeN-EE-K1-1E
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Education ownerMaster of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Energy Engineering)
Study BoardStudy Board of Energy
DepartmentDepartment of Energy
FacultyThe Faculty of Engineering and Science

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