Kommunikation i elektroniske systemer


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Electronic systems communicate more and more with their surroundings as well as with other electronic systems, and it is thus imperative that students obtain understanding of how such communication takes place, and how different technologies and protocols influence how such communication is carried out. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a basic, but operational knowledge of communicating systems, including hardware, models and protocols, thereby enabling the students to analyze problems related to communicating systems and make relevant design choices. Having completed the course, the students shall be able to develop and implement simple applications that communicate via networks.



  • Must have insight into basic serial communication standards and technologies, such as e.g. UART, ISP, I2C, RS232, RS485, Ethernet etc.
  • Must have insight into relevant wireless communication technologies, such as e.g. Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 etc.
  • Must be able to understand general network models and architectures
  • Must have insight into network security
  • Must have knowledge of field buses and how to employ them
  • Must have knowledge of real-time protocols and how to apply them
  • Must be able to utilize relevant tools for simulation and modeling of key aspects of communication networks.
  • Must have an understanding of the TCP/IP protocol stack and be able to evaluate functions in the network, transport and application layers
  • Must have an understanding of the OSI network model and be able to assign functions to the relevant layers in the model


  • Must have understanding of the four bottom layers of the OSI model, i.e., the physical, data link, MAC, and network layers, including how data is communicated horizontally within and vertically between layers.
  • Must have understanding of fundamental Medium Access Control principles, such as e.g. TDMA, token bus, round-robin, carrier sense multiple access (with collision detection/collision avoidance) etc.
  • Must have understanding of basic aspects of wireless communication, including basic antenna physics
  • Must have understanding of various modulation/demodulation principles in wireless communication, such as e.g. AM/FM and various shift keying approaches
  • Must be able to utilize socket programming to implement simple network-based applications.
  • Must be able to utilize relevant tools for modeling and simulating high-level protocols (corresponding to the session, presentation and application layers in the OSI model)


  • Must be able to analyze the communication aspects of a distributed system and specify and/or design a communication network to support communication in such a system


Forelæsninger, studiekredse, workshops, selvstudie



Prøvens navnKommunikation i elektroniske systemer
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
BedømmelsesformBestået/ikke bestået
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelCommunication in Electronic Systems
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævn for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Teknisk Fakultet for IT og Design

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