Applied Qualitative Methods


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The objective of the module is to provide the student with insight and knowledge into the use of qualitative methods across business disciplines. Pertaining to this, the student is expected to develop skills and competences in the development of qualitative research designs, including the use of different forms of data collection, data analysis and reporting.

In choosing between different types of research designs, students will reflect on different quality criteria in qualitative research.

Learning objectives


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary knowledge on:

  • key approaches to qualitative research design including data collection.
  • key approaches to qualitative data analysis and quality criteria in qualitative studies.
  • key approaches to qualitative data reporting and presentation.


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary skills in:

  • exemplifying and comparing different approaches to qualitative data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • selecting relevant and key qualitative methods and tools to investigate theoretical and practical business issues, including the use of relevant software.
  • arguing scientifically, practically and contextually for the possibilities and limitations of qualitative methods.


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary competences in:

  • organise and design a problem-based study of business issues based on the use of qualitative methods.
  • independently conduct analysis of business issues using qualitative methods.
  • combine methodological considerations from qualitative methods with central theories and philosophy of science in relation to a specific business economic problem.

Type of instruction

For information see § 17.



Name of examApplied Qualitative Methods
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Group examination with max. 6 students.
Permitted aidsSee the Course Description on Moodle for details.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleAnvendte kvalitative metoder
Module codeBAEBA202214
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Education ownerBachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration
Study BoardStudy Board of Economics and Business Administration
DepartmentAalborg University Business School
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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