Recommended prerequisite for participation in
the module
The module adds to the knowledge obtained in Limnology,
Hydrodynamics, Marine Pollution, Time Series Analysis.
Content, progress and pedagogy of the
Learning objectives
- Advanced understanding of the physics of freshwater recipients,
the coastal zone and estuaries including currents, waves, sediment
- Basic understanding of the ecological conditions in natural
waters, including streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal
waters. Understanding the effect of various types of pollution on
flora and fauna in these areas.
- Identify the hydrological, chemical and biological processes
that are central for the analysis and evaluation in the aquatic
- Explain the environmental impact of selected compounds on
aquatic environments.
- Evaluate toxicological effects on an aquatic ecosystem.
- Use impact assessment methods.
- Build and analyse numerical water quality models.
- Apply advanced hydrodynamic and water quality models.
- Evaluate methods for the analysis of changing impacts on
aquatic environments.
- To plan and design structures for various types of discharges
to freshwater recipients, the coastal zone and estuaries.
- To model numerically the importance of necessary treatment for
obtain specified demands on the water quality in the system
- To be able to conduct experimental, empirical and/or
theoretical investigations which are necessary for the solution of
one or more identified problems.
- To perform water quality assessment studies for different types
of impacts on different recipients.
- Must be able to communicate the results of the project work in
a project report.
- Must be able to teamwork within the problem area and make a
common presentation of the result of the project work.
- Must be able to assess problemsolving
- Must be able to assess teamwork/team composition
- Must be able to understand and explain what process analysis
- Must be able to assess impact assessment
Type of instruction
Project work with supervision supplemented with instructions,
workshops, presentation seminars, lab tests, etc.
Extent and expected workload
Since it is a 15 ECTS project module, the workload is expected
to be 450 hours for the student.
Name of exam | Marine and Freshwater Pollution |
Type of exam | Oral exam based on a project
Oral exam based on presentation seminar and project
rapport. |
ECTS | 15 |
Permitted aids | See the relevant semester description/course description in
Moodle. |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | External examination |
Criteria of assessment | The criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination
Policies and Procedures |