Narratives and Interaction


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The module introduces the production and creation of narrative artefacts and narrative universes with special emphasis on the integration of interactive narratives and physical stages. The module is supported by theoretical and practical courses and seminars within concept development of narrative installations of various kinds, video editing, scripting, and possibly special ad hoc activities evolving from the production processes of the students. Furthermore, the module seeks to establish collaborative processes and projects with external partners and focuses on collaborative processes with other groups on a major project across the semester.


In connection with the module, the following courses will be offered:

  • Narratives and Interaction
  • Artistic and Academic Methodology V

Other courses may be offered within the following areas:

  • Dramaturgy
  • Manuscript

Learning objectives


The objective of the Module: “Narratives and Interaction” is to introduce the students to problem areas and solutions in relation to the creation of artefacts and projects, in which different forms of structuring of narrative information and form elements play a role, i.e., interactive storytelling, collaborative narrative projects, hypertexts etc. The module comprises of theoretical and practical courses and seminars within narrativity, (interactive) dramaturgy, analysis, understanding and creation of fictional universes, writing of manuscripts and storyboards.

During this module, students should acquire:

Basic knowledge about

  • central theories within narrativity with special focus on narratives in interactive settings
  • methods for the creation of narrative installations
  • central theories within (inter/re-active) dramaturgy and performance design
  • theories and methods of combining physical and digitally enhanced spaces
  • artistic and technological strategies within performance design and performative events
  • manuscripts and storyboards and interaction design as central creation methods of narrative media installations
  • artistic and academic methods of collaborations with external partners
  • problem analysis, research question and integrated problem solving guided by cross-curricular input, or participant involvement and gathering of empirical data


Skills in

  • identifying and formulating an artistic problem and/or theme within the field “Narratives and Interaction” and developing different artistic concepts and solutions for a chosen problem/theme
  • transforming basic knowledge and theories of narrativity and media technology into artistic concepts
  • identifying dramaturgical challenges within interactive fiction, scenography, and performance
  • applying and implementing (interactive) dramaturgical models that combine physical and digitally enhanced spaces
  • applying technological solutions in regard to interactive narratives and performance design


Competencies in

  • conceiving ideas and developing concepts of (interactive) narrative artefacts that combine physical and digital means of expression
  • analyzing and constructing narrative artefacts and events that merge virtual and material spaces
  • employing a number of digital performance technologies
  • analyzing and creating manuscripts and storyboards in regard to interactive story telling
  • contextualizing own artistic solutions (to socio-cultural requisites and consequences, art theoretical, political and/or aesthetic dimensions, etc.)
  • describing, analyzing, and documenting artistic design solutions (artistic artefacts and events) on a professional level, and communicating this to external collaborative partners
  • implementing knowledge from cross-curricular studies, participant involvement and gathering of empirical data in a problem-based project
  • critical reflection on own learning processes and identification of own learning needs

Type of instruction

Method of working: Project work in groups.



Name of examNarratives and Interaction
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
The examination will take the form of a conversation between the student(s), the examiner and the external examiner on the basis of the project report prepared by the student(s), which may be in the form of a report or portfolio as well as the product created by the student(s). The project exam will also address other content from the module courses.

Hand-in: In groups or individual

Number of pages: the written work must not exceed 10 pages per student.

Duration of examination: 20 minutes per student and 10 minutes for assessment and communication of grades per group, however, the duration of the examination is maximum 2 hours.
Permitted aids
All written and all electronic aids
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingExternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Facts about the module

Danish titleNarrativer og interaktion
Module codeKOTBA20221
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
5. semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Education ownerBachelor of Arts (BA) in Art and Technology
Study BoardStudy Board of Art, Health and Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Communication and Psychology
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities