The module covers topics of Development Economics and Geopolitical Economy.
The aim of this module is to introduce students to different paradigms in development economics as well as to practical issues in current development policy. At the same time, Geopolitical Economy topics are discussed also in light of the Economic Development and Development economics arguments and experiences
This module builds on insights from modules such as
Macroeconomics IV and International Economics. The first half of
the module will mainly focus on Development Economics topics while
the second will be devoted more on Geopolitical Economy ones.
The general sequence of the module is to start from a discussion of
the notion of development, its historical origins and different
measurements followed by an alternative view of development
paradigms and their context. In particular, they will focus on
Rostow’s stages of growth, Structural change and Solow growth model
theories, structuralism and dependency theory, and the role of
institutions on economic development. Topics of agriculture,
industrialization and industrial policies, the role of the state in
economic development, international trade, globalization and global
inequalities will be also discussed.
The second half of the module focuses on the geopolitical economy aspects. It will be covered topics such as Development finance and geopolitics reporting the cases of both developing and developed countries such as China, South Korea, Brazil, Peru and Kazakhstan. The oil as well as the other primary resources markets will be also analised in an historical and geopolical context. Finally a last part of the module will be devoted to the international monetary system and the way the new forms of money are challenging the status quo.
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary knowledge on:
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary skills in:
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary competences in:
Prøvens navn | Development Economics and Geopolitical Economy |
Prøveform | Mundtlig pba. projekt |
ECTS | 5 |
Bedømmelsesform | Bestået/ikke bestået |
Censur | Intern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning |
Engelsk titel | Development Economics and Geopolitical Economy |
Modulkode | KAØKO202230 |
Modultype | Kursus |
Varighed | 1 semester |
Semester | Forår og Efterår
ECTS | 5 |
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk |
Undervisningssted | Campus Aalborg |
Modulansvarlig | |
Indgår i |
Uddannelsesejer | Cand.oecon. |
Studienævn | Studienævn for Økonomi (cand.oecon.) |
Institut | Aalborg University Business School |
Fakultet | Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet |