The module serves as an introduction to Media Arts Cultures, offering foundational knowledge and skills that enable students to better understand and act on the most important questions in the field. It situates new media practices in the historical contexts, provides an overview of (new) media theories and science & technology studies, and discusses the most important terms and concepts. Foundational knowledge and skills that enable students to better understand and act on the most important questions in Media Arts Cultures, like: interactivity, curating & exhibition development, experience design, game culture, arts & networks, electronic literature & digital storytelling, transdisciplinary art & science practice, science & technology studies, as well as Media Arts Cultures mediation, preservation, and management.
Name of exam | Foundations of Media Arts Cultures in Context |
Type of exam | Written exam |
ECTS | 6 |
Permitted aids | With certain aids:
- Students notes
- Syllabus - Relevante subject litterature |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | Internal examination |
Criteria of assessment | The criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures |
Danish title | Foundations of Media Arts Cultures in Context |
Module code | KAMAC20241 |
Module type | Course |
Duration | 1 semester |
Semester | Autumn
This module is offered only as a part of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master of Excellence: Media Arts Cultures at University of Lodz, Poland 1st. semester |
ECTS | 6 |
Language of instruction | English |
Location of the lecture | Other location |
Responsible for the module | |
Used in |
Education owner | Master of Arts in Media Arts Cultures |
Study Board | Study Board of Art, Health and Technology |
Department | Department of Communication and Psychology |
Faculty | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities |