User Studies and Information Behaviour


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The module will teach students how to study users and their interaction(s) with information and ICT systems in context. Students will be introduced to different stages of user involvement, as well as data-driven research methods for data collection, processing, analysis, and visualisation in relation to the areas of user research and information behaviour. This includes acquisition and application of knowledge on digital practice, organisational culture, digital culture and cognitive, emotional aspects on the level of individuals, groups and organisations. 

Academic supervision will be offered in connection with the problem-oriented project work. 

Learning objectives


The student must through the module gain knowledge and understanding of:

  • user studies in context as well as understanding of user studies and information practices based on the highest international research 

  • qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis 

  • Scientific issues related to user studies and information practices 


The student must through the module acquire skills in:

  • being able to evaluate and choose between types of studies and empirical methods from information science in a professionally qualified way in order to design and conduct user studies 

  • being able to generate design specifications or scientific knowledge based on user studies 

  • mastering qualitative and quantitative data analysis and methodology for problem solving 


The student must through the module acquire competences in:

  • being able to independently initiate and conduct user studies and assume professional responsibility towards users and partners 

  • being able to plan and manage collaborative and research projects that are complex and unpredictable 

Type of instruction

Reference to §17.



Name of examUser Studies and Information Behaviour
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
The examination is a conversation between the student(s) and the examiner and internal examiner based on a project report produced individually or in a group. The project report/written work will be considered the shared responsibility of the group. Students will be examined and assessed on the basis of the entire project report, and one combined grade will be awarded each student for the project report and the oral performance.

Literature foundation: Minimum 1000 standard pages supervisor approved, self-selected literature related to the project.

The project report: the total number of pages must be no less than 10 pages and no more than 15 pages per student in a project group, and 20 pages if written individually.

Duration of examination: 20 minutes per student and 10 minutes per group for assessment and announcement of result, although no longer than a total of two hours. 30 minutes in total for individual

At oral group examinations, the examination must be conducted in such a way that individual assessment of each individual student’s performance is ensured.

Any re-examinations will be held on the basis of a revised project report.

The project report and the conversation must demonstrate that the student furfils the objectives for the module stated above.

In the evaluation of the examination performance, the grade 12 will only be awarded to students who give an excellent performance and demonstrate that they have fulfilled the above objectives exhaustively or with only few insignificant omissions.
Permitted aids
All written and all electronic aids
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleBrugerstudier og informationspraksis
Module codeKAINFOS202
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
KA 1. semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Copenhagen
Responsible for the module
Used in


Education ownerMaster of Science (MSc) in Information Science (Information Studies)
Study BoardStudy Board of Communication and Digital Media
DepartmentDepartment of Communication and Psychology
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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