Bachelor's Project


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

Builds on knowledge gained on the project and course modules on 1-5. semester

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This is an English translation of the module. In case of discrepancy between the translation and the Danish version, the Danish version of the module is valid.


University degrees are research-based degrees; At the end of the bachelor's program, all students must have gained insight into an aspect of the subject's research area. The theme for the semester is cyber physical systems, ie systems that contain both embedded software and a physical component that often involves an interaction directly with people. It is possible to treat Cyber ​​Physical Systems from different research perspectives

Learning objectives


  • document knowledge of and overview of the relevant techniques and concepts within a computer science research area
  • use correct subject terminology


  • reason about and with the concepts and techniques concerned
  • justify and choose relevant solution models based on knowledge of the possibilities and limitations given by the subject area's theories and methods
  • convey a computer science problem and the associated conceptual apparatus


  • apply the concepts and reasoning within the subject area to analyze and solve a selected problem within the chosen computer science subject area
  • demonstrate a coherent understanding of the project's relationship to the subject area

Type of instruction

Project work supported by digital resources on knowledge search.

The project work must include:

  • an analysis of a computer science problem and a formulation of a problem within it
  • a solution and perspective of this problem

The project report can be designed as a scientific article of form and length

Extent and expected workload

The student is expected to spend 27.5 hours per ECTS, which for this activity means 412.5 hours.



Name of examBachelor's Project
Type of exam
Master's thesis/final project
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingExternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Additional information

Contact: Study Board for Computer Science via or 9940 8854

Facts about the module

Danish titleBachelorprojekt
Module codeDSNSWB610
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionDanish and English
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Education ownerBachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering (Software)
Study BoardStudy Board of Computer Science
DepartmentDepartment of Computer Science
FacultyThe Technical Faculty of IT and Design