The primary objective of the module is to enable students to perform statistical analyses of socio-economic data. The module offers students a basic introduction to econometrics and builds on the knowledge gained in Statistics (Statistik) in the previous semester.
The course is organized as an interaction between theoretical understanding and practical application. It covers Simple and Multiple regressions, hypotheses testing, interpreting models of different functional forms, and performing various diagnostic checks to get statistically valid estimators. In addition to simple OLS, the module also teaches other estimation techniques including 2SLS, IV, MLE, logistic and probit models. The module builds the foundation, which enables students to perform an in-depth analysis of the real-world (cross-section) data in their projects and theses. Moreover, the module enables students to follow more advanced courses in econometrics.
Upon the completion of this course students are expected to be able to handle socio-economic data. They are expected to conduct an independent and critical empirical investigation of economic theories using real world data.
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary knowledge on:
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary skills in:
The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary competences in:
For further information see §17.
Name of exam | Econometrics I |
Type of exam | Oral exam based on a project
Individual examination. |
ECTS | 10 |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | Internal examination |
Criteria of assessment | The criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures |
Danish title | Økonometri I |
Module code | BAØKO202315 |
Module type | Course |
Duration | 1 semester |
Semester | Spring
ECTS | 10 |
Language of instruction | English |
Location of the lecture | Campus Aalborg |
Responsible for the module |
Education owner | Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics |
Study Board | Study Board of Economics (cand.oecon) |
Department | Aalborg University Business School |
Faculty | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities |