Independent Choice: Research, Practice or Development in Architectural Design-engineering


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module adds to knowledge, skills and competencies within the architectural design and engineering field corresponding to the completion of the MSc01 and MSc02 level at the Architectural Design-engineering education.

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The aim of the module is to use the latest architectural design and engineering research and/or professional practice to raise students’ knowledge and development level. Furthermore, the module must document the use of research based or practice based knowledge. This means to familiarize the students with basic research, practice or development methods and theory, as well as enable them to acquire specific knowledge within one of the following chosen fields:

  • A) Project-Oriented Study in an External Organisation (academic internship);
  • B) Semester project with company contact (semester project); or
  • C) Experimental research semester project (research internship), related to architectural design-engineering.

PBL-pedagogically, the module focus on strengthening problem formulation and process analysis based on insights from external collaboration and/or practice-oriented studies.

The project-oriented study in an external organization must have a scope that correspond the ECTS load.

Students who complete the module:

Learning objectives


  • Must have scientific, practical or conceptual knowledge of relevance to the chosen field related to architectural design and engineering.

  • Must have knowledge of the relevant scientific literature/theory or/and methodologies used within the chosen field related to architectural design and engineering.

  • Must have knowledge of the relevance and validity of results produced through methods in the chosen field.


  • Must be able to formulate a given scientific or practice-based problem in a clear and consistent way.

  • Must have the ability to select research- or practice based knowledge in the chosen field related to architectural design and engineering.

  • Must be able to select and apply an appropriate research or praxis-oriented method for the chosen problem area to be examined within the given timeframe or time available.

  • Must be able to engage with- and critically evaluate professional environments and further develop their interdisciplinary approach in the chosen field.


  • Can independently seek out, choose and critically reflect on relevant scientific literature/theoretical, methodological and/or empirical knowledge, and apply to a given problem/project of their choice.

  • Can handle the integration of relevant research knowledge into a practical project or a theoretical project related to architectural design-engineering.

  • Can communicate and transfer process and results in a clear and systematic way.

  • Can independently work in relevant interdisciplinary environments, participate in collaborative teams, and take professional responsibility in solving complex design related tasks in the chosen field.

Type of instruction

Types of instruction are listed in § 17; Structure and Contents of the Programme



Name of examIndependent choice: Research, Practice or Development in Architectural Design-engineering
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Permitted aidsSee semester description
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleSelvstændigt valg: Forskning, praksis eller udvikling inden for arkitektur-ingeniørens faglighed
Module codeAODAM3P202
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Architecture and Design
DepartmentDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
FacultyThe Technical Faculty of IT and Design

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