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Advanced Analysis of Thermal Machines


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module is based on knowledge achieved when studying the 2nd semester on the Master of Science in Energy Engineering with a thermal specialisation, Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering with specialisation in Process Engineering and Combustion Technology or similar.

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • Conversion between different forms of energy
  • Design of thermal machines
  • Performance characteristics of thermal machines
  • Behaviour of in- and outflow conditions for thermal machines
  • Advanced analytical, numerical and/or experimental analysis of thermal machines
  • Energy, momentum and heat exchange in thermal machines
  • Phase change and multi-phase characteristics of thermal machines


  • Be able to select and apply appropriate methods for performance analysis of thermal machines
  • Be able to apply multi physics modelling in the analysis of thermal machines and components
  • Be able to select and apply appropriate equipment for monitoring and performance measurements on thermal machines


  • Independently be able to simulate thermal machines in design and off-design operation
  • Independently be able to evaluate the performance of thermal machines in a given application or system
  • Independently be able to evaluate the effect of design changes in thermal machines
  • Independently be able to continue the development of own competences in the field of thermal machines

Type of instruction

The course is taught by a mixture of lectures, lab exercises, and self-studies and possible application of e-learning activities.

Extent and expected workload

Since it is a 5 ECTS course module, the work load is expected to be 150 hours for the student.



Name of examAdvanced Analysis of Thermal Machines
Type of exam
Written and oral exam
Oral examination based on a handed-in mini-project/test report (individual or in groups).
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Study BoardStudy Board of Energy
DepartmentDepartment of Energy
FacultyThe Faculty of Engineering and Science

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