Sociological Thematic Specialisation: Social Deviance and Diagnosis of the Times


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The purpose of this course is to address various theoretical and empirical aspects of contemporary sociology relating particularly to the topics of deviance and diagnosis of the times – and how these topics interrelate.

It does so by introducing the students to a wide variety of contemporary sociological (but also social- philosophical, social-psychological etc.) analysis and theories that covers the fields in mention.

The course is not only, however, introductory. It provides the students with the analytical skills enabling them to link empirical and theoretical forms of sociological analysis with each other, and ensures that the students can apply the different perspectives on contemporary society, especially relating to problems of deviance and challenges related to diagnosis of the times.

Moreover, the students will learn to understand as well as analyze argumentation, key concepts and historical background of the perspectives in question.

The purpose of this course is to address various theoretical and empirical aspects of contemporary sociology relating particularly to the topics of deviance and diagnosis of the times – and how these topics interrelate.

This course programme – that mainly deals with the interconnection of macro-sociological perspectives/theories and empirical studies - is particularly connected with “Hverdagsliv, Kultur og Emotioner” (Everyday Life, Culture and Emotions), which provides the students with a more micro- sociological oriented approach (theories and perspectives) to doing empirical work.

Learning objectives


  • are able to obtain specialized knowledge about sociological issues within the field of this specialization
  • are able to obtain specialized knowledge about a wide variety of themes within the field of this specialization


  • are able, on a high academic level, to assess and elucidate the sociological issues of this specialization.
  • are able, on a high academic level, to describe and report important classical as well new theories of relevance to the specialization.
  • are able to relate the taught sociology to relevant positions within science studies.
  • are able to develop sociological research designs that are relevant to the specialization
  • are able to assess, analyze and critically engage in the development of the specialization and its area of function


have the ability to select, shed light on, discuss and analyze problems by means of the relevant concepts, theories and methodological approaches that have been taught in this specialization.

Type of instruction

The module is conducted as a series of lectures and related seminars and/or exercises



Name of examSociological Thematic Specialisation: Social Deviance and Diagnosis of the Times
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
The module is evaluated with an oral examination based on a written port folio. If handed in in groups exams are held in group
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleSociologisk emnespecialisering: Samtidsdiagnoser og afvigelser
Module codeKASOC20204C
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Sociology and Criminology
DepartmentDepartment of Sociology and Social Work
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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