Technologies of Experience Design in Media Arts Cultures


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This module provides the students with a systematic overview of selected digital technologies and their application to the extent that they are relevant to experience design in media art cultures. The student must be able to analyse and evaluate the use of technology in existing experience design and creatively reflect on these technologies’ possible applications in the production of experience designs.

The module introduces the students to the theories and practices of interactive and distributed media arts experience designs.

Courses and workshops may be offered within in the following areas:

  • Advanced Audiovisual Production

The course consists of lectures and a two-week workshop, resulting in either a performative piece, a site-specific installation or a gallery-oriented piece, using the hard-and software available at AAU Cph.

The workshop will be interspersed with lectures and presentations of various aspects of Media Art production; Live event, video production, video art, interactive and modular productions, sound art, etc.

The resulting product/performance must be documented, and an individual paper must be submitted placing the production within a theoretical context relevant to the theoretical knowledge acquired during the lectures and workshop.

Learning objectives


In this module students will acquire knowledge

  • Gaining an overview of different digital technologies and their meaning, power and applicability regarding design of media art.
  • Introduction to relevant basic theories of digital technology; functionality and interactive modalities
  • Introduction to the use of various technologies in the field of media art cultures, both hard- and software. This includes basic lighting control, production of live visuals and interactive systems, production of linear video and audio segments.


In this module students will acquire skills

  • Understand and utilize the functionality of digital technologies to the extent it is relevant to the practices of the field of media art cultures.
  • To analyse and select technology systems and platforms to the realization of creative and artistic experience design productions and curatorial framings relevant to media art culture.
  • To Engage in design and innovation cooperation using relevant digital technologies
  • To disseminate technological problems and solutions to peers and non- specialists.


In this module students will acquire competencies

  • Apply gained practical and theoretical knowledge when realizing creative and artistic design productions and curatorial framings relevant to media art cultures.
  • To reflect on various digital technologies experiential potentials and limitations
  • To participate in the selection, development and use of digital technologies in relation to experience design productions in the field of media art cultures.
  • To identify own learning needs and structure own learning in relation to the subject area of Technologies of Media Art Cultures



Name of examTechnologies of Experience Design in Media Arts Cultures
Type of exam
Written exam
An internal written examination in "Technologies of Experience Design in Media Arts Cultures". The test takes the form of a set 3- day take-home assignment in which the students answer the supplied questions and solved the assigned tasks on the basis of module’s content. The written part of the assignment may not exceed 10 pages and is written individually.

In the evaluation of the examination performance, the grade 12 will only be awarded to students who give an excellent performance and demonstrate that they have fulfilled the above objectives exhaustively or with only few insignificant omissions.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Facts about the module

Danish titleOplevelsesteknologi i Media Arts Cultures
Module codeKAMAC20156
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
This module is offered only as a part of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master of Excellence: Media Arts Cultures
2nd semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Education ownerMaster of Arts in Media Arts Cultures
Study BoardStudy Board of Art, Health and Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Communication and Psychology
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities