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Applied Quantitative Methods


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The module builds on the modules ‘Applied mathematics for business economists’ and ‘Applied statistics for business economists’. The module guides the student from descriptive statistics to statistical inference, where the student becomes able to perform business economic analyses by means of statistical models, hereunder conducting of hypothesis tests and regression analyses using relevant software. This includes: selecting a statistical model, processing of data for the model, testing compliance with the assumptions behind the use of the model, critical interpretation of results and predictions based on the model.

Learning objectives


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary knowledge on:

  • probability theory and hypothesis testing, including empirical and theoretical probability distribution.
  • various statistical methods and models, including assumptions which must be met in order to apply these.
  • the application of statistics in business economic and industrial context, including an interpretation of the results from statistical models.


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary skills in:

  • applying hypothesis testing in connection with analysis of business economic data using relevant software.
  • argueing in favour of the choice of statistical model for implementation of a given business economic analysis, including conducting practical tests to fulfil the conditions (including the Gauss Markov Assumptions) for the application of the model.
  • applying a given statistical model, including an interpretation of the results and predictions based on the model.


The objective is that the student after the module possesses the necessary competences in:

  • evaluating the applicability of statistics and quantitative methods within business economics.
  • independently conducting a critical interpretation and evaluation of own or others' application of quantitative methods within business economics, including in scientific literature.
  • communicating the results of a statistical analysis to persons with no specific statistical knowledge.

Type of instruction

For information see §17.



Name of examApplied Quantitative Methods
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Group examination with max. 6 students.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleAnvendte kvantitative metoder
Module codeBAEØK202210
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Economics and Business Administration
DepartmentAalborg University Business School
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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