Integration of Risk, Resilience and Sustainability


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module is based upon knowledge obtained in Systems Engineering.

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

In this module students will learn how to integrate considerations of risk, resilience and sustainability into a common decision analytic framework for societal decision support from local to global scales. Taking basis in systems engineering, the module will focus on state-of-the-art methods for the modelling of combined engineered-ecological-social systems, Bayesian Probabilistic Nets (BPNs), consequential Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and techniques of network systems analysis. Combining flipped classroom and PBL approaches, students will work in groups on a case study and deliver a digital portfolio of their investigation, which they will present in an oral presentation for a hypothetical decision-making client.

Learning objectives


  • Demonstrate theoretical understanding of the concepts of systems resilience and quantitative sustainability and the trade-offs between them in the context of risk-informed decision support.
  • Demonstrate theoretical understanding of concepts that underpin the scientific frameworks and methods for the joint assessment of risk, resilience and sustainability, including: system boundary, Planetary Boundaries, scale, temporality, (ir)reversibility, (non)linearity, limit, threshold, (de)growth, informational event, indicator, preference, option, action, consequence, utility, equity, accountability.
  • Demonstrate theoretical understanding of differences between stated, revealed and informed preferences and how those impact the setting of objectives and the choice of metrics for integrated risk, resilience and sustainability assessment, management and governance.
  • Demonstrate theoretical understanding of BPNs and their application in various decision contexts
  • Demonstrate theoretical understanding of differences between attributional and consequential LCA and how they impact on system boundaries and systems modeling


  • Ability to identify relevant preferences and objectives for risk, resilience and sustainability informed decision making for different stakeholders and at different time-space scales
  • Ability to model and quantify resilience characteristics for simple combined engineered-ecological-social systems
  • Ability to create a simplified framework for a consequential LCA in the context of a given case study
  • Apply simple tools for consequential LCA
  • Ability to define and analyze decision problems for simple combined engineered-ecological-social systems and to assess tradeoffs between risk, resilience and sustainability
  • Ability to choose relevant indicators for monitoring a systems performance based on informed preferences


  • Ability to use terms and concepts with clarity and precision
  • Ability to communicate scientific results in a manner appropriate for different audiences: scientific peers, decision-makers, general public
  • Ability to use data visualization tools for e.g., cluster analysis
  • Ability to use digital media for e.g., wiki for project reporting
  • Ability to conduct group project work in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments
  • Ability to work in a social learning environment in accordance with PBL philosophy

Type of instruction

Flipped classroom, classroom-based and virtual discussion sessions, hands-on workshops in relevant digital tools/software.

Extent and expected workload

The module is 5 ECTS which is corresponding to 150 hours of study.



Name of examIntegration of Risk, Resilience and Sustainability
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
Portfolio based oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Facts about the module

Danish titleSammenkædning af risiko, resiliens og bæredygtighed
Module codeB-RSK-K2-16
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
SemesterAutumn and Spring
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Esbjerg
Responsible for the module


Education ownerMaster of Science (MSc) in Technology (Risk and Safety Management)
Study BoardStudy Board of Built Environment
DepartmentDepartment of the Built Environment
FacultyThe Faculty of Engineering and Science