Digital Processing of Biomechanical Signals


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

Knowledge, skills and competences corresponding to the Bachelor degree in Sports Science at Aalborg University.

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • Have knowledge of relevant programming languages significant to sports technology
  • Have knowledge about the basics of programming including data types, flow control, functions and error handling
  • Have knowledge about mathematical functions used to solve sports technology problems with focus on data mining
  • Have knowledge of the concepts, theories and techniques for estimating parameters of discrete stochastic processes
  • Have knowledge of power spectral analysis of stationary stochastic processes and their limitations


  • Can develop, debug and test a computer program (e.g. MatLab) that enables processing of measurement data
  • Can export the developed programs to other platforms
  • Can extract relevant data from discrete biomechanical signals and large dataset


  • Can evaluate the consequences of different signal processing methods
  • Can compare different signal processing methods



Name of examDigital Processing of Biomechanical Signals
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Additional information

Please consult the Moodle page for your semester and contact the semester coordinator if you have academic questions, or the study secretary if you have administrative questions.

All other enquiries may be directed to Malene Møller Knudsen, secretary of the Study Board.

Facts about the module

Danish titleDigital behandling af Biomekaniske Signaler
Module codeSTIIDT15K1_5
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionDanish and English
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Study BoardStudy Board of Sports Science and Public Health
DepartmentDepartment of Health Science and Technology
FacultyThe Faculty of Medicine