Anbefalede faglige forudsætninger for at
deltage i modulet
1. Semester courses and project (or equivalent)
Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik
- Describe and understand processes, methods, tools, and
associated resources needed for people and companies to become and
stay innovative, with an emphasis on incubation processes.
- Describe and understand specific tools and methods for
supporting entrepreneurial processes.
- Describe and understand advanced theories of creative
methodologies and creative mind-set.
- The student must be able to use sound research methods to
identify and analyse a need or problem using various theoretical
perspectives related to a business development processes with an
emphasis on incubation processes.
- The student must be able to experiment with possible conceptual
solutions or development in order to develop new business or to
leverage the innovation capability directions by using practice
insights, theory and creative skills.
- The student must be able to facilitate creative processes
(dedicated ressources will be allocated to the initiation and
sustaining of the objective) and excel in communication.
- The student must be able to approach an empirical field using
scientifically sound methods and informed by theory experiment with
conceptual soluitons in relation to market/users, technology,
organisation, and resources.
- Contribute to creative further development of a conceptual
solution by combining innovation and/or entrepreneurship theories
with empirical insight.
- Critically evaluate own analysis and solutions.
- Situational application/facilitation of creative skills
(dedicated ressources will be allocated to the initiation and
sustaining of the objective).
The module is carried out as group-based, problem-oriented
project work. The group work is carried out as an independent work
process in which the students themselves organise and coordinate
their workload in collaboration with a supervisor. The project is
carried out in groups with normally no more than 6 members.
Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats
Since it is a 15 ECTS course module the expected workload is 450
hours for the student.
Prøvens navn | Entrepreneurial Tactics |
Prøveform | Mundtlig pba. projekt |
ECTS | 15 |
Bedømmelsesform | 7-trins-skala |
Censur | Ekstern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets
eksamensordning |