The world is inherently analogue, meaning that naturally occurring
signals are in their essence analogue. However, with various
digital techniques designers have almost limitless opportunities
for implementing powerful and cost-efficient signal processing
systems. Often people forget that the digital signal processing is
embedded as part of a larger system design, and that the signal
processing functionality is part of a system chain that starts with
analogue signals and also ends with analogue signals. Examples of
interfaces could here be loud speakers, microphones and other types
of sensors, to mention just a few.
High levels of functionality and quality in systems working with real world signals is ensured through a combination of analogue and digital techniques. It is therefore important that engineers are familiar with both analogue and digital circuits and systems. In addition, analogue techniques form the basis for many of the digital components used in modern system design today. Insight into analogue electronics ensures a better fundamental understanding of the digital components and their characteristics.
The purpose of this is therefore to support the students in their understanding of analogue circuits and systems; including analogue electronic components, their models, how to use the components and in particular the limitations of the components. The course will support the students in their understanding of fundamental methods of calculation for analogue circuits and systems on an application level and it will provide students with an understanding of the valid spheres of application for the methods.
Forelæsninger, opgaveregning, workshops, selvstudie
Prøvens navn | Analog kredsløbsdesign |
Prøveform | Skriftlig eller mundtlig |
ECTS | 5 |
Bedømmelsesform | Bestået/ikke bestået |
Censur | Intern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning |
Engelsk titel | Analogue Circuits Design |
Modulkode | ESNEITB3K1 |
Modultype | Kursus |
Varighed | 1 semester |
Semester | Efterår
ECTS | 5 |
Undervisningssprog | Dansk |
Tomplads | Ja |
Undervisningssted | Campus Aalborg |
Modulansvarlig | |
Indgår i |
Studienævn | Studienævn for Elektronik og IT |
Institut | Institut for Elektroniske Systemer |
Fakultet | Det Teknisk Fakultet for IT og Design |