Analog kredsløbsdesign


Anbefalede faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet

The module builds on knowledge from the module Circuit Theory and Dynamic Systems

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The world is inherently analogue, meaning that naturally occurring signals are in their essence analogue. However, with various digital techniques designers have almost limitless opportunities for implementing powerful and cost-efficient signal processing systems. Often people forget that the digital signal processing is embedded as part of a larger system design, and that the signal processing functionality is part of a system chain that starts with analogue signals and also ends with analogue signals. Examples of interfaces could here be loud speakers, microphones and other types of sensors, to mention just a few.

High levels of functionality and quality in systems working with real world signals is ensured through a combination of analogue and digital techniques. It is therefore important that engineers are familiar with both analogue and digital circuits and systems. In addition, analogue techniques form the basis for many of the digital components used in modern system design today. Insight into analogue electronics ensures a better fundamental understanding of the digital components and their characteristics.

The purpose of this is therefore to support the students in their understanding of analogue circuits and systems; including analogue electronic components, their models, how to use the components and in particular the limitations of the components. The course will support the students in their understanding of fundamental methods of calculation for analogue circuits and systems on an application level and it will provide students with an understanding of the valid spheres of application for the methods.



  • demonstrate a basic understanding of semiconductor physics
  • demonstrate an understanding of analogue electronic components, their uses and their limitations, including:
    • diodes,  transistors in small/large-signal operation
  • demonstrate an understanding of applied models, their valid ranges of application and their limitations, including:
    • the diode equation/model, the hybrid-pi model and the T-model for transistors. In all cases an understanding of low-frequency and high-frequency models must be demonstrated
  • account for key electrical characteristic of semiconductor components
  • demonstrate an understanding of component tolerances
  • demonstrate an understanding of basic functional circuit configurations, including:
    • inverting and non-inverting OPAMP circuits, difference and summation amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, integrators and comparators
  • demonstrate an understanding of key non-ideal performance characteristics of components
  • demonstrate an understanding of linear versus non-linear operation and distortion effects such as harmonic distortion
  • demonstrate an understanding of thermal effects in electrical components
  • demonstrate an understanding of concepts, theories and methods for measurement and characterization of electrical circuits and systems, including:
    • measurement uncertainties and reproducibility of measurement results


  • apply fundamental methods for calculations on analogue electronic circuits and systems
  • apply relevant models in the design of analogue electronic circuits and systems
  • apply relevant CAE tools during the design, simulation and implementation phases
  • account for component imperfections, such as tolerances and thermal drift, and how these phenomena affect overall circuit and system performance
  • apply compensating design techniques to mitigate effects of component imperfections
  • apply suitable measurement techniques while accounting for relevant uncertainties


  • use relevant methods for the analysis and design of analogue electronic circuits and systems
  • reflect on modelling consideration and assumptions, such as small-signal versus large-signal conditions


Forelæsninger, opgaveregning, workshops, selvstudie



Prøvens navnAnalog kredsløbsdesign
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
BedømmelsesformBestået/ikke bestået
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelAnalogue Circuits Design
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævn for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Teknisk Fakultet for IT og Design

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