Distributed Real Time Systems


Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module builds on knowledge obtained in the courses Communication in Electronic Systems (EIT 5th Semester) or Network Technologies and Distributed Systems (ITC 5th Semester).

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


  • fieldbus technologies and concepts of communication
  • global state protocols
  • replication of systems for redundancy concerns
  • application domains and their requirements, relevant Quality of Service parameters
  • queuing theory, basic models
  • synchronization issues
  • reliability modeling, including safety, scalability, maintainability issues
  • modeling tools, such as Deterministic Network Calculus
  • network simulation tools (examples include ns-2/ns-3, OMNET)


  • Service models for field bus and their limitation
  • utilizing consistency between automates in a distributed system
  • describing a loose coupled system with basic traffic pattern modeling
  • home automation and similar domain areas in perspective of communication and safety
  • quality of service
  • protocol design


  • identify requirements and select an appropriate communication architecture
  • analyze and design complex networked systems with hard requirements such as providing real time guarantees
  • model system behavior using analytical or simulation tools

Type of instruction

As described in § 17.



Name of examDistributed Real Time Systems
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleDistribuerede realtidssystemer
Module codeESNCAK1K2F
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Electronics and IT
DepartmentDepartment of Electronic Systems
FacultyThe Technical Faculty of IT and Design

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