Development, Ecology and Climate Change


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Poverty, ecological degradation, resource depletion, climate change and conflict prove to be the most important issues facing human life and nature today. Understanding and resolving the complexity and interrelatedness of these longstanding and looming developmental problems and environmental crises, as well as their attendant adverse social consequences, require not only advances in science and technology but also in social science studies. While there is a crucial need and urgent demand for cutting-edge studies to address these pressing global and transnational problems, one of the greatest challenges for social science is to understand the mutually constitutive relationship between development, ecology, and climate in critical, historical, and interdisciplinary perspectives. The establishment of this optional course in Development, Ecology, and Climate (DEC) is herein proposed to respond to these challenges and meet the demands in teaching, research, and policy advice.

Learning objectives


  • Acquire fundamental and systematic knowledge of various theoretical approaches to the study of ecology/environment and climate change in a development and international relations perspective;


  • Enhance their ability to analyze aspects of economic, cultural, political, societal, and natural environmental developments with an interdisciplinary approach.


  • Gain practical experience of working in an inter-cultural environment derived both from participation in the degree program at Aalborg University and from an interactions with international students; and
  • Develop individual understanding and stance on the issues related to environment- development dynamics as well as the skill to constructively discuss and communicate these issues with others.

Type of instruction

Lectures of wich some contaion exercises.

Extent and expected workload

5 ECTS correspondig to a work load of 140 hours distributed as follows: 

ActivityDuration (hours)
Lectures (double)19,5
Exercises 4
Studying/preparing for lecutres and exam 96,5
Examination20 (48-hour-test)



Name of examDevelopment, Ecology and Climate Change
Type of exam
Written exam
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Study BoardStudy Board of Public Administration and Social Studies
DepartmentDepartment of Politics and Society
FacultyFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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