Services and Platforms


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

All students will be introduced to proper use of scientific methods. This project module therefore includes separate learning opbjectives for scientific methods.

Learning objectives


  • Must have a holistic understanding of the ICT environment, i.e. the heterogeneous networks, Internet technologies and business models, on which ICT solutions and services rely
  • Must have knowledge about the key Internet technologies and standards for content networking: representation, identification and transport
  • Must have knowledge about the characteristics of different networks and the technologies that are important to provide a good user experience for a service
  • Must be able to understand the service architectures, platforms and business models that are needed to provide future services and applications

Scientific Methods:

  • Must have knowledge about scientific methods and their applicability in ICT engineering
  • Must have knowledge about main scientific paradigms and their applicability for different problems
  • Must know methods for the iterative development and refining of project ideas and problem formulations.
  • Must know methods for quantitative and qualitative data gathering, data analysis and data presentation, e.g. interview techniques for expert interviews.
  • Must know the consequences of plagiarism


  • Must be able to specify requirements for innovative applications, services, solutions or service architectures based on a thorough analysis of the ICT environment and the needs of the target users
  • Must be able to assess the network characteristics and limitations, which affect the delivery of content and services to the end users
  • Must be able to discuss the technical and business-related aspects of services and service architectures
  • Must be able to conceptually construct relevant business models

Scientific Methods:

  • Must be able to extract scientific knowledge from academic publications, e.g. journal papers, conference proceedings and anthologies.
  • Must be able to master good academic praxis for the use and presentation of sources
  • Must be able to discern between inductivism vs. deductivism, models vs. reality, hypothesis, empirical data, assumptions and proofs for a given research problem within the scope of the study programme. 
  • Must be able to explain the applicability for qualitative and quantitative methods for a given ICT engineering problem 
  • Must be able to conduct a structured search for sources, e.g. peer-reviewed literature
  • Must be able to assess the quality and applicability of a given source (e.g. peer-reviewed / non peer-reviewed sources, industry whitepapers, interviews, marketing texts)


  • Must have the competency to assess the viability and potential of new ICT-related technologies, frameworks and concepts
  • Must have the competency to identify the value proposition in ICT services and solutions and develop a technical realization as well as a relevant business model for the value proposition
  • Must have the competency to identify new business opportunities in relation to ICT services and service architectures

Scientific Methods:

  • Must have the competency to identify and apply relevant scientific methods in relation to ICT engineering problems and projects
  • Must have the competency to structure an academic presentation of project (e.g. semester project) in a report 
  • Must master the principles for correct academic citing

Type of instruction

Project work. There will be lectures and assignments for Part 1 and Part 2 at the start of the semester project.



Name of examServices and Platforms
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleServices og platforme
Module codeESNICTEK1P2N
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Copenhagen
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Electronics and IT
DepartmentDepartment of Electronic Systems
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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