Digitale og analoge systemer i samspil med omverdenen


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet

Modulet bygger videre på viden opnået på uddannelsens 1.-4. semester

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Electronic systems never exist in a vacuum; to be useful, they invariably have to interact with their surroundings in one form or another. This interaction commonly takes the form of the electronic system receiving some analog or digital signals through measurement devices or other means. The system then translates these signals into discrete data. The data is then either processed directly by the system itself or communicated to other digital systems, for example a remote computer, where processing can take place. Eventually, the system reacts in response to the result of the processing, generating a new set of analog signals via an appropriate actuator, for instance in the form of a control voltage supplied to an electric motor, speech signals in a mobile telephone system, etc.

The purpose of this semester is to build on and expand the skills and competences within digital and analog electronics acquired on previous semesters, and ensure that the students can apply these skills and competences in a complex reality. Specifically, the aim is that the students obtain an understanding of the interaction between computers and their surroundings via various kinds of sensors and actuators, including modeling and control of physical systems, digital signal processing, as well as communicating systems. Completing this project module thus enables the students to analyze, design and implement systems involving both physical elements and computers



  • Must have an understanding of digital and analog transfer functions described via the Laplace og z operators, respectively, including features such as poles, zeros, analog and digital implementation, transfer matrices etc.
  • Must be able to linearize non-linear system models in order to approximate them by linear models
  • Must have insight into real-time aspects in relation to digital systems communicating with other analog and/or digital systems
  • Must have insight into different methods for design of analog and digital filters
  • Must have knowledge of theories and methods for spectral estimation
  • Must have insight into the OSI network model
  • Must have fundamental knowledge of wireless communication
  • Must have knowledge of protocols on various layers in communicating systems


  • Must be able to use methods for modeling physical systems, including electric, electro-mechanical, thermal and fluid dynamical systems, at a level where the resulting models can be utilized in the design of electronic systems interacting with their surroundings
  • Must be able to use the Fourier transformation for analysis of digital signals
  • Must have an understanding of exchange and processing of analog signals and discrete data between (sub-)systems, including frequency responses, phase and gain characteristics, sampling, analog and digital filtering etc.
  • Must be able to design control laws to achieve specific system requirements, for instance specific phase and gain margin, limited overshoot etc.
  • Must be able to use methods for construction of distributed systems making use of communication hardware, multi-programming and basic network protocols
  • Must be able to utilize relevant software tools for simulation of the above systems


  • Must be able to construct systems comprising one or several computer-based systems embedded in physical surroundings, involving transformation between analog and digital signal (and corresponding data representations), such that an a priori specified behavior is achieved by the overall system
  • Must be able to use feedback to reduce effects of disturbances, uncertainties and so forth, as well as be able to specify reqiurements to and achive desired system responses for linear systems
  • Must be able to specify requirements to and implement real-time communication between computer systems


Projektarbejde suppleret med studiekredse, forelæsninger, o.l.



Prøvens navnDigitale og analoge systemer i samspil med omverdenen
Mundtlig pba. projekt
CensurEkstern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelDigital and Analog Systems Interacting with the Surrounding
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævn for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design

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