Integrated Product Development: Design Processes


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module builds on knowledge gained in 1. -5. semester

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This is an English translation of the module. In case of discrepancy between the translation and the Danish version, the Danish version of the module is valid.

The aim of the course module is for students to gain professional knowledge and skills in applying an integrated design process, as a basic technical-scientific function-oriented development process that systematically and methodically involves and integrates hard and soft parameters in product development. Including knowledge of specific theories and scientific design methods that are central to the integrated project approach. As well as gaining skills in navigating and producing relevant information in a product development project through externalization and abductive reasoning that strengthens the handling of poorly defined issues and open processes. The skill in reflections on and representation of approaches, processes, methods and information production is practiced through portfolio and paper production with a focus on the integrated product design process.

Learning objectives


  • must be able to account for theories and methods regarding scientific knowledge production and their relation to the integrated design process' methods for integrating qualitative and quantitative parameters
  • must be able to explain and evaluate theories, methods and models for an integrated design process, with a focus on creating new knowledge and relevant information for use in product development for specific users and target groups
  • must be able to account for and evaluate methods for systematically transforming empirical data from the product's context of use into related qualitative and quantitative requirements, as well as reflect on this relationship


  • must be able to apply the integrated design process' theories and methods in a product development process and be able to control navigation and knowledge production in this process, with regard to reflexively assessing both progress and goals
  • must be able to switch with certainty between analysis and synthesis and in a systematic approach to the integration of qualitative and quantitative parameters
  • must be able to describe, communicate and reflect on processes, methods used and information in a specific design production
  • must in a scientifically honest way process and communicate in writing a specific problem within integrated product design


  • must be able to methodically support independent implementation and dissemination of an integrated design process for product development for a specific use context, which systematically integrates qualitative and quantitative parameters with continuous analysis and synthesis-oriented activities, through reflections on both goal fulfillment and goal description
  • must be able to evaluate, communicate and reflect on a design process, its knowledge production and the degree of integration of selected parameters, as well as the validity and value of the individual activities
  • must be able to reflect on the relationship of own work to learning goals

Type of instruction


The teaching is organized in accordance with the general teaching methods for the education, cf. section 17.

Extent and expected workload

The student is expected to spend 27.5 hours per ECTS, which for this activity means 137.5 hours.



Name of examIntegrated Product Development: Design Processes
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Additional information

Contact: Study Board for Computer Science via or 9940 8854

Facts about the module

Danish titleIntegreret produktudvikling: designprocesser
Module codeDSNIXDB603
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionDanish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Study BoardStudy Board of Computer Science
DepartmentDepartment of Computer Science
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design