Interactive Physical Design


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module builds on knowledge gained in 1. -4. semester

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This is an English translation of the module. In case of discrepancy between the translation and the Danish version, the Danish version of the module is valid.

The purpose of the project module is to introduce students to the development of interactive physical products that can make everyday life easier in various ways, such as robots and products with built-in intelligence including movement, simple electronic control, interface and mechanical solutions are integrated as part of its functionality and aesthetics. In the project, emphasis is placed on working with an original, innovative solution at a balanced technical-aesthetic level, where experiences from the course modules are integrated into concept development or detailing of the project. The project module integrates workshop activities that support physical interaction design with a specific focus on the design and programming of interactive physical products.The topic of the project could be designing kitchen utilities, dispensers, garden tools, personal aids or toys. The product proposal is developed with extensive use of different types of models such as function models, vision models and detailed models. Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between an investigative, testing and reflective methodology and an iterative process.

Learning objectives


  • must be able to demonstrate knowledge of limitations and possibilities in the design and construction of an interactive physical product, including technical and programming as well as design and interaction aspects


  • must be able to specify opportunities, limitations and visions for interactive physical products for areas with applications for private or professional use
  • must be able to program a functional solution for a physical product
  • must be able to establish a development process where modeling, testing and reflection via visual and functional models for interactive physical solutions and their application are part of a dynamic iterative process


  • must be able to develop and programme proposals for an interactive physical product for solving or supporting common problems and functions in relation to human needs and interaction
  • must be able to communicate a solution for an interactive physical product, where function, technique and aesthetics are made probable using design-relevant media and methods and convey intention, process and applied methods and tools in reporting format

Type of instruction

Project work

Extent and expected workload

The student is expected to spend 27.5 hours per ECTS, which for this activity means 550 hours.



Name of examInteractive Physical Design
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Additional information

Contact: Study Board for Computer Science via or 9940 8854

Facts about the module

Danish titleInteraktivt fysisk design
Module codeDSNIXDB511
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionDanish and English
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Study BoardStudy Board of Computer Science
DepartmentDepartment of Computer Science
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design