Interaction Design 4: Quantitative Methods


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module builds on knowledge gained in 1. -3. semester

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This is an English translation of the module. In case of discrepancy between the translation and the Danish version, the Danish version of the module is valid.

Quantitative methods for collecting and processing quantitative data, including experimental design and statistical analysis, their scientific theoretical assumptions and their practical applications in interaction design. The module provides an in-depth introduction to methods for collecting quantitative data including questionnaires and experiments. Including basic concepts such as e.g. questionnaire design, experiment design, hypotheses, dependent and independent variables, within- and between-subject design, randomization, sampling and scale construction, as well as statistical tests and analyzes, such as descriptive statistics, T-tests, variance tests, and non-parametric tests. The course also introduces the specific applications of quantitative methods in interaction design, and trains the students' ability to select and apply quantitative methods.

Learning objectives


  • must be able to account for quantitative methods and statistical analyzes, their core concepts, applications, strengths, weaknesses, and limitations
  • must be able to demonstrate insight into differences and similarities between different quantitative methods in relation to their specific application possibilities
  • must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the application of quantitative methods to highlight issues related to interaction design


  • must be able to use quantitative methods to highlight key issues concerning interaction design empirically and analytically
  • must be able to formulate, assess and convey key issues within the concepts, application and limitations of the quantitative method
  • must be able to argue on a methodological and methodological scientific basis


  • must be able to carry out a specific quantitative study in relation to an issue concerning interaction design, and be able to argue for the chosen method, as well as reflect on its strengths and weaknesses

Type of instruction

The teaching is organized in accordance with the general teaching methods for the education, cf. section 17.

Extent and expected workload

The student is expected to spend 27.5 hours per ECTS, which for this activity means 137.5 hours.



Name of examInteraction Design 4: Quantitative Methods
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures

Additional information

Contact: Study Board for Computer Science via or 9940 8854

Facts about the module

Danish titleInteraktionsdesign 4: kvantitativ metode
Module codeDSNIXDB402
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionDanish and English
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module


Study BoardStudy Board of Computer Science
DepartmentDepartment of Computer Science
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design