Projektorienteret forløb, (praktikophold i Danmark eller i udlandet)


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Location of module: 9th semester Credits:  the project oriented course (internship) and the element-based project work will be evaluated in two separate examinations (examinations 5 and 6), each of which will correspond to 15 ECTS, in total 30 ECTS credits.
The module comprises:
Part 1 (examination 5): a project oriented course (internship) in an institution, organisation or company in Denmark or abroad and a report on experience gained during the internship.
Part 2 (examination 6): an element-based project related to the internship.
In order to complete the module, students must pass examinations 5 and 6.
The project oriented course (internship) may take place in an institution, organisation or enterprise abroad or in Denmark, where the student works with issues which are relevant to the programme, cf. section 5, subsection 2. For students who have chosen to specialise within Arctic Studies, the project oriented course must be topically relevant to this area specialisation. The project oriented course must be of the duration of at least three months and must possess an international or intercultural dimension. Suggestions made by the student as regards the subject of a project oriented course must be approved in advance by the study board.
Only students who have completed examinations in the Master’s programme corresponding to a minimum of 20 ECTS can be enrolled in this module. 
Upon approval by the study board, the student may replace the project oriented internship by a student mobility stay at a university abroad or in Denmark offering courses at master level within central disciplinary areas of the programme, possessing an international or intercultural dimension and corresponding to 30 ECTS, cf. section 5, subsection 2. Study activities with appertaining examinations at the selected university must be approved in advance by the study board and will then replace the module “Project oriented course” with appertaining examinations.



  • one or more areas of the programme disciplines through encounter with a specific, relevant context
  • reflection on selected issues of practical relevance on the basis of theoretical knowledge of international and/or intercultural processes


  • identifying scientific issues within one or a number of the disciplinary areas of the programme of relevance to the internship organisation
  • assessing and choosing among scientific theories and methods, and, on the background of these, substantiating choices made and setting up relevant models for analysis and problem solving
  • producing independent and focused analyses of issues within one or a number of the disciplinary areas of the programme through investigations in the internship organisation
  • communicating these to peers and non-specialists


  • delimiting and analysing issues of practical relevance
  • adding a practice-oriented dimension to already existing knowledge
  • translating disciplinary theoretical knowledge into practice in an international and/or intercultural perspective
  • independently pursuing personal competency development in relation to issues of practical relevance
  • entering into disciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation in an organisation
  • assuming professional responsibility and, on this background, carrying out a given task
  • managing work and development situations in international or intercultural environments, which are complex, unpredictable and require new models for problem solving.


Forudsætning for indstilling til prøven

  • Only students who have completed examinations in the Master’s programme corresponding to a minimum of 20 ECTS can be enrolled in this module.


Prøvens navnProject Oriented Course (internship in Denmark or abroad)
Examination 5
An internal examination in: Project Oriented Course (internship in Denmark or abroad).
The examination comprises the completion of a project oriented course (internship) of a duration of at least three months in an institution, organisation or company in Denmark or abroad in which the student works on tasks relevant to the Master’s programme, and the submission of a report on experience gained during the internship. Completion of the internship must be documented by a host institution statement. On the basis of this statement it will be decided if the student has worked satisfactorily at the host institution on tasks relevant to the Master’s programme. In addition, the student must submit a non-academic report (portfolio) on experience gained during the internship of no more than 3 pages. In this report (portfolio), the student must reflect on and explain practical, social and other relevant experience gained during the internship (and how it has influenced on their employability). In order to complete the module, students must submit the report (portfolio) on their experience.
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CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning

Prøvens navnInternship in Denmark or abroad
Examination 6
An internal written examination in: Internship Project
The examination consists of element-based project work which is based on an issue relevant to the internship location. The project work, which must be written within the chosen stream of specialisation or in the cross-cutting generalist stream and have an international/intercultural perspective, is comprised of three separate elements. If the student has chosen the specialisation in Arctic Studies, the project elements must be written within the area. The project elements must be prepared individually and must not exceed 20 pages in total.

During the semester, students must prepare three draft versions (one for each project element) which must be discussed with their supervisor. At the end of the semester, students must submit one coherent report comprising the revised versions of the three project elements for a combined assessment.

1. The first project element of max. 5 pages must identify issues that are relevant to the internship and give an account of theories and/or studies which have dealt with similar or otherwise relevant issues as well as an initial problem formulation that must have an international/intercultural perspective.

2. In the second project element of max. 5 pages, the student must critically discuss possible methodological approaches to deal with the problem in focus. On the basis of the discussion, students must choose and describe a methodological framework, including description of data and possibly data collection, reflection on methods of analysis as well as possible ethic and practical issues.

3. The third project element of max. 10 pages must comprise the project’s analysis. This project element must be based on the theoretical and methodological choices made in the other two project elements and include discussions of the results of the analysis in relation to the problem formulation.

Finally, the student will submit all three project elements for a combined assessment. .
Tilladte hjælpemidler
Alle skriftlige og alle elektroniske hjælpemidler
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning
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Engelsk titelProject Oriented Course (internship in Denmark or Abroad
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg
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StudienævnStudienævn for Tværkulturelle Studier
InstitutInstitut for Kultur og Læring
FakultetDet Humanistiske Fakultet

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