

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The Master’s thesis is based on a subject that the student is free to select as long as they are relatable to the central disciplinary areas of the programme.

The Master’s thesis topic must be approved by the study board. Students must submit a structured thesis contract outlining and justifying a preliminary problem formulation as well theoretical framing and methodological points of departure. The contract also presents a commitment to the submission deadline as set by the study board.

Students who have chosen the specialisation in Global Tourism Development or Arctic Studies must write their thesis within this area and obtain approval from the study board as well as the specialisation responsible.




  • the theoretical and methodological discipline(s) of the selected topic, and demonstrate critical reflection on this/these
  • demonstrate a deep theoretical and methodological understanding of tourism research based on the highest international level of tourism research
  • demonstrate a deep and critical understanding of relevant research literature related to the chosen topic.
  • research ethics and insight in the implications of research work
  • demonstrate the ability to reflect in the discipline(s)’ knowledge base and to identify, formulate and delimit an academic problem


  • giving a structured and reflected outline of relevant existing literature related to the selected topic
  • applying insights from the tourism programme in the critical dissemination of new knowledge
  • applying and further developing relevant theories and methods pertaining to tourism
  • compiling results in a clear, linguistically coherent presentation that complies with academic requirements for analysis, academic argumentation and documentation
  • taking a critical view of the sources used and documenting them through a coherent bibliography


  • managing a complex research process, including being able to identify, delimit and justify a relevant research topic and, on the basis hereof, formulate a clear problem
  • discussing and synthesising complex knowledge field(s) and delimiting the thesis topic to fit the problem formulation
  • analysing and mastering tourism topics in light of contemporary theories and approaches in tourism research
  • independently continuing own competency development within the selected disciplinary area(s).

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats




Prøvens navnMaster's Thesis
Skriftlig og mundtlig
An external oral examination in: Master’s Thesis (Kandidatspeciale).
The examination will be conducted on the basis of a Master’s thesis prepared by one or a number of students. The Master’s thesis must be no shorter than 35 pages, and must not exceed 70 pages per student in a group, or 80 pages if the thesis is prepared by one student. An abstract in English of a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages must be prepared.
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VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning
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Engelsk titelMaster's Thesis
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg, Campus København
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StudienævnStudienævn for Tværkulturelle Studier
InstitutInstitut for Kultur og Læring
FakultetDet Humanistiske Fakultet

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