Information Studies in Practice


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The theme of the module is the practical reality of information studies. The main component of the module is a three-to-four-month practice oriented work placement, where students collaborate on solving an issue on the basis of Information Studies in a relevant company, organisation or institution. The idea is for students to develop a knowledge and understanding of the concrete work reality that this programme is directed towards. The work practice will be elucidated in a written report on the basis of the theory and methods of the entire study programme.

As part of the practice oriented work placement, students are expected to carry out an interview with their company, organisation or institution. The interview must elucidate the company, organisation or institution's need for the student's knowledge, skills and competences. The interview will be included in the report as an appendix and also as part of the report in the shape of a brief, edited summary.

In exceptional circumstances, the Study Board may approve that the practice oriented project is not undertaken at a company or organisation, but at the University in the shape of a constructed case directed towards implementing knowledge within Information Studies in practice.

The module also comprises:

  • a halfway evaluation and an evaluation when the practice oriented work placement has been completed

  • a virtual learning course during the practice oriented semester comprising presentation techniques, negotiation techniques, business communication etc.

Academic supervision will be offered and the teaching will be organised as a practice oriented work placement.

Learning objectives


In this module students will acquire knowledge of:

  • theory and methods of Information Studies in practice with particular emphasis on the interface of theory and methods on the one hand and the cultural, organisational and/or technological complexity of the application area on the other hand

  • the actual work situation towards which the programme is directed

  • communication and collaboration practices within the field of informatics

  • competence requirements of the discipline in work contexts.


In this module students will acquire skills in:

  • working in practice on the basis of informatics, including applying strategies and methods for user analysis, pilot studies, system development and system design

  • assessing issues and solutions within the field of informatics in practice, on the basis of theories and methods for user analysis, pilot studies, system development or system design

  • communicating knowledge within informatics to peers and laypeople

  • managing themselves in work contexts with a view to identifying issues pertaining to skills and



In this module students will acquire competences in:

  • taking an analytical, reflective and critical approach to the preconditions for user analysis, pilot studies, system development or system design in practice

  • taking an analytical, reflective and critical approach to user analysis, pilot studies, system development or system design in practice

  • engaging in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration on user analysis, pilot studies, system development or system design in practice, with a professional approach

  • identifying own learning needs and structuring own learning in relation to the subject area of user analysis, pilot studies, system development or system design in practice.



Name of examInformation Studies in Practice
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
The examination is a conversation between the student(s) and the examiner based on a project report produced individually or in a group. The project report/written work will be considered the shared responsibility of the group. Students will be examined and assessed on the basis of the entire project report, and one combined grade will be awarded each student for the project report and the oral performance.

Literature foundation:Minimum 500 standard pages supervisor approved, self-selected literature related to the project.

The project report: total number of pages must be no less than 15 pages and no more than 20 pages per student in a project group, and 30 pages if written individually.

Duration of examination: 20 minutes per student and 10 minutes per group for assessment and announcement of result, although no longer than a total of two hours. 30 minutes in total for individual examinations.

Any re-examinations will be held on the basis of a revised project report.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titleInformation Studies in Practice
Module codeKAINFOS189
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
9. semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Communication and Digital Media
DepartmentDepartment of Communication and Psychology
FacultyThe Faculty of Humanities

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