Globale kønsstudier II: Kønsperspektiv på global governance


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

This course aims to enhance students’ knowledge of global governance and global democracy through the study of the role of social movements (social movement organisations/non-governmental organisations) and analysis of (international) institutions, (gender) policies and transnational activism.

Students will be introduced to the aspects of gender in global governance and global democracy, and governance will be discussed from ’top-down’, ’bottom-up’ and transnational perspectives.  Firstly, governance of gender inequalities at the transnational level will be analysed with a focus on international institutions and policies. On this basis, theories of (feminist) institutionalism and international and European legislation and policies will be analysed. These theories will underpin a critical discussion of the ‘gendered infrastructure’ and history of global relations in the context of the international organisations’ specific agencies for gender relations such as The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and UN Women.

Secondly, focus will be on a critical discussion of the mobilisation of social movements in various parts of the world and on the interaction between the (global) civil society, international institutions, international law in the Global North and the Global South and the emerging powers/economies in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This will include theories on the aspects of gender in concepts such as citizenship, the global civil society, transnational solidarity and postcolonialism.  The module will form the basis for further theoretical and practical work within the field in the project module of the semester, cf. Project Module II.




  • possess knowledge of theories and practices within the field of gender and global governance and can reflect on a scientific basis
  • have acquired basic knowledge and understanding of themes within the field of gender and global governance and various approaches to the study of these.


  • can apply their knowledge within the module’s disciplines in order to choose the theories that best serve the analytical purpose and are able to take a critical approach to these theories.


  • can reflect upon and analyse issues related to gendered global governance on the basis of scientific knowledge.


The module consists of lectures and seminars, possibly with exercises and student contributions.

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Prøvens navnGlobal Gender Studies II: Gendering Global Governance
The examination is a 48-hour take-home assignment comprising issues within the subject area of module 16. The assignment paper must not exceed 8 pages.
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Engelsk titelGlobal Gender Studies II: Gendering Global Governance
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævn for Internationale Forhold
InstitutInstitut for Politik og Samfund
FakultetDet Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet

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