Nye magter og nye markeder


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

This module will explore the different development paths of global rising powers and emerging markets, and examine the impact of the emerging powers on global markets and the current world order.

The objectives of this module are:

  • To study different contemporary development trajectories and strategies in major emerging countries, with a special focus on the effect on the global economy and the transition to variations of market economy.
  • To understand private sector development and the role of the private sector in national development and to examine the drivers and barriers for successful private sector development
  • To examine the significance of rising powers and emerging markets and their impact on global markets, the global community and global governance

The module provides an approach to the study of emerging markets/rising powers based on a number of interrelated aspects such as national development strategies, state-market relations, the underlying institutions and policies, and the relationships between the rising powers and the rest of the world.

This approach provides an in-depth understanding of the possibilities and limitations of rising powers in relation to the impact on the international system and an understanding of the opportunities and challenges for other countries due to the rising powers and emerging markets.

The module will form the basis for further theoretical and practical work within the field in the project module of the semester, cf. the Project Module II.



  • possess knowledge of theories and practices within the field of rising powers and emerging markets and can reflect on these on a scientific basis
  • possess basic knowledge and understanding of themes within the field of rising powers and emerging markets and various approaches to the study of these.


  • can use their knowledge of the module’s subject areas to select theories that serve the analytical purpose and at the same time remain critical to these theories.


  • can reflect upon and analyse issues related to rising powers and emerging markets on the basis of scientific knowledge
  • can take independent responsibility for their own continued knowledge acquisition.


The module consists of lectures and seminars, possibly with exercises and student contributions.

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats




Prøvens navnRising Powers and Emerging Markets
The examination for the module is an internally assessed individual written examination. The examination is a 48-hour take-home assignment comprising issues within the subject area of module 11. The assignment paper must not exceed 8 pages.
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelRising Powers and Emerging Markets
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævn for Internationale Forhold
InstitutInstitut for Politik og Samfund
FakultetDet Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet

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