Petrochemical Separation Processes


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

The module adds to the knowledge obtained in:
Chemical and Bio Industrial Products II
Fundamental Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics
Methods in Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Applied Statistics

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


Students who have passed the module should be able to

  • Describe the fundamental separation technologies used in production of oil and gas
  • Account for the fundamental aspects of oil and gas production
  • Account for fundamental types of calculations related to the separation of oil and gas
  • Explain fundamental knowledge thermodynamics related to oil and gas separation


  • Perform relevant calculations relating to oil and gas separation
  • Design a separation train for a given production
  • Evaluate which types of material are appropriate for the construction of the separation units
  • Set specifications for a unit design based on the process in question
  • Select an appropriate separation process for a given process
  • Write a project report following the standards of the field of study, include relevant literature, use the correct terminology and communicate the problem and results in writing, graphically and orally in a coherent way
  • Justify the choice of methods, models and other tools used in the project and asses the problem of the project and results in relevant professional contexts


  • Evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of different separation methods in oil and gas technology
  • Handle the planning, implementation and management of a project and handle complex and development-oriented tasks during the project work and contribute to the project group's work and results
  • Identify own learning needs for continued development and education in the field of study

Type of instruction

Project work

Access to perform laboratory experiments requires participation in laboratory safety instructions

Extent and expected workload

450 hours



Name of examPetrochemical Separation Processes
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingExternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures
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Facts about the module

Danish titlePetrokemiske separationsprocesser
Module codeK-KT-B4-19
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Esbjerg
Responsible for the module
Time allocation for external examinersB
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
DepartmentDepartment of Chemistry and Bioscience
FacultyFaculty of Engineering and Science

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