Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for
at deltage i modulet
The module builds on knowledge from Knowledge of Circuit Theory and
Dynamic Systems corresponding to P2-KDS
Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik
In a world that is inherently analogue it is important that
engineers are familiar with analogue circuits and systems - in
particular their uses and limitations. Knowledge of analogue as
well as digital, circuits and systems is essential in enabling
students to design and implement complex electronic systems in an
optimal way.
The purpose of this project unit is therefore to support the
students in their understanding of analogue circuits and systems;
including analogue electronic components, their models, how to use
the components and also the limitations of the components. The
project will support the students in their understanding of
fundamental methods of calculation for analogue circuits and
systems on an application level and it will provide students with
an understanding of the valid spheres of application for the
- demonstrate an understanding of the most common analogue
electronic components, their uses and their limitations
- demonstrate an understanding of applied models, their valid
spheres of application and their limitations
- demonstrate an understanding of component tolerances and how
these may affect circuit and system performance
- have kendskab til forskellige vejledertyper og aktivt bruge
disse til videns tilegnelse
- apply methods of calculation (among others from linear algebra)
for analogue electronic circuits and systems to satisfy design
- apply relevant and suitable models in the design of analogue
electronic circuits and systems
- account for component tolerances and key non-ideal performance
characteristics of components and explain what mitigation measures
can be used in the design of analog circuits
- apply relevant methods for measurement and characterization of
electrical circuits and systems considering also measurement
uncertainties and reproducibility of measurement results
- clearly document measured performance of implemented circuit
and system blocks
- kan gennemføre problemnedbrydning i mindre overskuelige
- kunne foretage et systematisk valg af metoder til videns
tilegnelse i forbindelse med problemanalyse og
- use relevant methods for specifying, designing, implementation,
testing and documenting analogue electronic circuits and
- conduct a judiciously system modularization based on given
specifications, requirements and regulations
- based on derived specifications choose the most appropriate
circuit topologies and to argue for the choices
- reflect on the models used and to evaluate the validity of the
models for the specific usage
- reflect on the applied measurement methods and related
measurement uncertainties
- evaluate results from measurements, simulations and
calculations in relation to applied models and their
- kunne analysere projektgruppens organisering af
gruppesamarbejdet med henblik på at identificere stærke og svage
sider, og på den baggrund komme med forslag til, hvordan
samarbejdet i fremtidige grupper kan forbedres
- kunne planlægge, styre og perspektivere et projektarbejde
herunder forestå mødeplanlægning og uddelegering
Projektarbejde suppleret med studiekredse, forelæsninger,
Prøvens navn | Analoge kredsløb og systemer |
Prøveform | Mundtlig pba. projekt |
ECTS | 15 |
Bedømmelsesform | 7-trins-skala |
Censur | Intern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets
eksamensordning |