Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for
participation in the module
The module builds on knowledge obtained through the course
Multivariable Control.
Content, progress and pedagogy of the
The aim of this module is to obtain qualifications in
formulation and solution of control problems where the objective
can be formulated as an optimization problem in which the
trajectories of inputs, state variables and outputs are included in
an objective function and can be constrained. The formulation will
include a model which describes the dynamic behavior of the
physical plant with given control inputs and disturbances. Models
describing disturbances and references can be included to describe
predictive problems. A further aim is to provide methods to analyze
robustness of closed loop stability and performance when
discrepancy between the physical plant and the model is bounded by
specified uncertainty bounds and to study dimensioning methods,
which aim to ensure robustness of stability and performance given
specified uncertainty bounds.
Learning objectives
- Must have an understanding of basic concepts within optimal
control, such as linear models, quadratic performance, dynamic
programming, Riccati equations etc.
- Must have an understanding of the use of observers to estimate
states in a linear dynamical system
- Must have insight into the stability properties of optimal
- Must have insight into the stability properties of finite
horizon control, and how to ensure stability
- Must have knowledge about performance specifications that are
not quadratic
- Must have knowledge of additive and multiplicative model
- Must have insight into the small gain theorem and its
applications in robust control
- Must have insight into robust stability and robust
- Must be able to formulate linear control problems using models
of disturbances and references combined with a quadratic
performance function and solve them using appropriate software
tools, e.g. Matlab
- Must be able to introduce integral states in control laws to
eliminate steady state errors
- Must be able to design observers while taking closed-loop
stability into account
- Must be able to utilize quadratic programming to solve
predictive control problems with constraints.
- Must be able to use software tools such as Matlab to solve
constrained optimization problems
- Must be able to formulate the standard robustness problem as a
two-input-two-output problem and solve it using appropriate
- Must be able to assess the limitations model uncertainty sets
impose on the achievable performance for systems described by
linear models
- Must be able to use singular value plots and the H infinity
norm of appropriate transfer function to assess robustness
- Must be able to perform H infinity norm optimization as a
method to tune controllers
- Must be able to formulate and solve optimal control problems
with references and disturbances
- Must understand the implications of disturbances and
uncertainties in the context of linear dynamical systems, and be
able to address these via robust control design
Type of instruction
As described in § 17.
Name of exam | Optimality and Robustness |
Type of exam | Written or oral exam |
ECTS | 5 |
Assessment | Passed/Not Passed |
Type of grading | Internal examination |
Criteria of assessment | The criteria of assessment are stated in the Examination
Policies and Procedures |