Avancerede konstruktionsanalyser


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet


The module adds to the knowledge obtained in 1st Semester.

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Students who complete the module:



  • Should have basic knowledge about non-linear effects in structural response, i.e. influence of large displacements, plasticity or other non-linear material behavior and dynamic effects.
  • Should have knowledge about advanced structural analysis and its applications in engineering.
  • Should have knowledge about non-linear behavior of thin-walled structures i.e. buckling and postbuckling behavior and influence of geometric imperfections.
  • Should have knowledge of modelling joints in structures linear as well as non-linear.
  • Should have knowledge about non-linear Finite Element analysis of thin-walled structures.


  • Should be able to formulate a mechanical/mathematical model for structures behaving non-linearly.
  • Should be able to formulate geometrically non-linear models for thin-walled structures involving buckling, postbuckling and imperfection sensitivity.
  • Should be able to estimate the stability load for simplified thin-walled structures based on analytical models.
  • Should be able to formulate mechanical/mathematical models for joints in structures e.g. flexible joints in frame structures.
  • Should have sufficient background to choose an appropriate numerical model i.e. type of element and type of non-linear solution algorithm.
  • Should be able to analyze a structure/structural component by a non-linear Finite Element code.
  • Should be able to verify the numerical results from Finite Element calculations by analytical models or other simplified models.
  • Should be able to interpret the results from a non-linear Finite Element calculation.


  • Should be able to participate in non-linear analysis of engineering structures and participate in a dialog on structural modifications in order to improve the structural response.
  • Should be able to model and analyze thin-walled structures with geometric non-linear behavior and participate in a dialog of non-linear analysis of other structures.


Lectures, etc. supplemented with project work, workshops, presentation seminars, lab tests.

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats

The module is 5 ECTS which is corresponding to 150 hours of study.



Prøvens navnAvancerede konstruktionsanalyser
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
Exam format:

Individual oral or written exam. Exam format is decided on by start of semester.
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelAdvanced Structural Engineering
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Esbjerg


StudienævnStudienævn for Byggeri, By og Miljø
InstitutInstitut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
FakultetDet Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet