Projektorienteret modul i en turismeorganisation


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The module comprises two parts. The work tasks and activities and the project will be evaluated in two separate examinations.

Part 1 (examination 10): Work tasks and activities in a tourism organisation and a reflexive essay based on experiences

Part 2 (examination 11): A project report

In order to complete the module, students must pass both examinations 10 and 11.




  • one or a number of disciplinary areas of the programme through the encounter with a specific tourism-related context, adding a project -oriented dimension to previously acquired knowledge.


  • addressing issues within one or a number of subject areas relevant to the hosting  organisation at an academic level
  • selecting, describing and applying conceptual and methodological tools for the establishment of a deeper understanding of a specific tourism-related context
  • producing independent and focused analyses of issues within one or a number of central disciplinary areas of the programme through own investigations in the hosting organisation


  • working procedures in a tourism organisation, and contributing professionally to the development and operation of the organisation
  • outlining recommendations regarding issues relevant for the tourism organisation
  • independently continuing own competency development in relation to experienced issues

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats




Prøvens navnProject-oriented Module in a Tourism Organisation: Host institution statement + reflexive essay
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Examination 10: An internal examination in: Project-oriented Module in a Tourism Organisation: Host institution statement + reflexive essay (Projektorienteret forløb i en turismeorganisation)
Completion of the project-oriented module must be documented by a host institution statement describing work tasks and activities. On the basis of this statement it will be decided if the student has fulfilled the project-oriented module requirements (cf. section 19A, subsection 2). The examination also comprises the submission of a reflexive essay, which puts the module experiences and the knowledge gained from examination 11 into critical perspective. In this reflexive essay of maximum five pages, the student is expected to critically discuss, for example, the theoretical developments that emerge from the project’s empirical domains to be further explored, and/or methodological innovations that may inform future research within the field covered by the project. In order to complete this examination, students must submit both host institution statement and reflexive essay.
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Prøvens navnProject- oriented Module in a Tourism Organisation: Project report
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Examination 11: An internal written examination based on: Project-oriented Module in a Tourism Organisation: Project report (Projektorienteret forløb i en turismeorganisation)
In order to complete the examination, the student must submit a project report for assessment. The project report must be prepared individually and must not exceed 20 pages. The project report must entail relevance to the tourism organisation and relate to the central disciplinary areas of the tourism programme, cf. section 4, subsection 3.
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Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelProject-oriented Module in af Tourism Organisation
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg, Campus København
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StudienævnStudienævn for Tværkulturelle Studier
InstitutInstitut for Kultur og Læring
FakultetDet Humanistiske Fakultet

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