Udvikling af IKT- og medietjenester


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik



  • Must be able to understand architectural issues such as the division of functions between terminal, server and networks.
  • Must have knowledge about Internet of Things.
  • Must have knowledge about smart sensors and smart actuators.
  • Must understand general sensor architecture, structure and communication.
  • Must have knowledge about basic artificial intelligence and pattern recognition algorithms and principles.
  • Must have knowledge about platform programming and scripting (Tablets, Raspberry-pi, Arduino, Smart TV, etc.).
  • Must understand interface and communication concepts in relation to external servers, databases, and cloud-based services. 
  • Must have knowledge about a range of software technologies (e.g. Python, Java,  mySQL).
  • Must have knowledge about different Software Development Toolkits (SDK), simulators, emulators and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


  • Must be able to design and implement platform services/applications using high-level programming languages and development platforms.
  • Must be able to perform platform programming and scripting (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, IoS, Smart TV, etc.).
  • Must be able to use sensors and actuators to implement Internet of Thing related systems and devices.
  • Must be able to use simple artificial intelligence algorithms in platform services and applications.
  • Must be able to interface, communicate and use external servers, databases, and cloud-based services. 
  • Must be able to design, develop and evaluate platform software components.
  • Must be able to produce technical documentation


  • Must have the competency to design and develop viable ICT and media services that can address a wide range of user needs and provide with a good user experience
  • Must have the competency to compose more advanced service functionality using state-of-the-art software tools, Internet of Things, cloud architectures, sensors and simple artificial intelligence algorithms


Types of instruction are listed at the start of Chapter 3



Prøvens navnDevelopment of ICT and Media Services
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelDevelopment of ICT and Media Services
UndervisningsstedCampus København


StudienævnStudienævn for Elektronik og IT
InstitutInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer
FakultetDet Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design