Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for
at deltage i modulet
The module is based upon knowledge obtained in 2nd semester or
Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik
Students who complete the module must have acquired the
following knowledge, skills and competencies:
The students must have knowledge of the theories that describe
the following areas:
- Must have knowledge of management of construction, both
technical, economic, social and organizational.
- Must have knowledge of the theoretical and practical basis for
the company's longer-term development.
- Must have knowledge of coherent business systems and
development plans at different management levels.
- Must be able to understand the structure of different
management of construction for businesses.
- Must be able to analyze business management of constructions
for the improvement of companies’ operating systems.
- Must be able to understand the structure of support systems for
the decision makers of the company.
- Must be able to identify business needs for strategic change
and develop strategic plans for this transformation.
- Must be able to identify and assess a company's need for
information for budgeting and dissemination of results.
- Must be able to be part of the management team in a
construction project and in a company in the building and
construction sector.
- Must be able to argue for specific strategic development
initiatives and how they are implemented in practice.
- Must be able to communicate the results obtained from the
project work in a project report
- Must be able to work around the project of the problem field
and make a joint presentation of the project results.
Project work with teacher feedback supplemented with lectures,
workshops presentation seminars and more.
Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats
The module is 15 ECTS which is corresponding to 450 hours of
Prøvens navn | Ledelsessystemer i byggeriets virksomheder |
Prøveform | Mundtlig pba. projekt
Oral examination based on the presentation seminar and project
report. |
ECTS | 15 |
Bedømmelsesform | 7-trins-skala |
Censur | Intern prøve |
Vurderingskriterier | Vurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets
eksamensordning |