Byggeriets rammebetingelser


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Students who complete the module must have acquired the following knowledge, skills and competencies:                           



The students must have knowledge of the theories that describe the following areas:

  • Must have knowledge of national and international legislation and contractual relations in connection with the execution of building and construction works.
  • Must have knowledge of work environment, including health and safety in the building and construction industry.


The students must have knowledge of the theories that describe the following areas:

  • Must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the use of general conditions and tender law as basic national agreement between the construction parties
  • Must be able to demonstrate understanding of different performance descriptions and explain their use
  • Must be able to explain the current national regulation and associated guidelines for quality assurance
  • Must be able to demonstrate knowledge of general international conditions and EU tender law as basic international agreement between construction parties
  • Must be able to describe national and international (EU) legislation on inviting tenders and award of contract in connection with the construction.
  • Must be able to describe the building's historic development and ongoing development initiatives including OPP, partnering and use of indicators.
  • Must be able to analyze the construction context in connection with general societal trends
  • Must be able to use the guidelines and rules about working in construction.
  • Must be able to explain labor law.


The students must have knowledge of the theories that describe the following areas:

  • Must be able to explain the framework of construction.
  • Must be able to relate a given project to the framework of construction including the work environment.


Lectures supplemented with workshops, presentation seminars and more.


Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats

The module is 5 ECTS which is corresponding to 150 hours of study.



Prøvens navnByggeriets rammebetingelser
Skriftlig eller mundtlig
Individual oral or written examination. The exam form is determined at the beginning of the semes-ter.
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelFramework Conditions of Construction
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævn for Byggeri, By og Miljø
InstitutInstitut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
FakultetDet Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet