Projektledelse og produktion i byggeriet


Forudsætninger/Anbefalede forudsætninger for at deltage i modulet

The module is based upon knowledge obtained in the module Project Man-agement and Economics or equivalent.

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Students complete the module must have acquired the following knowledge, skills and competencies:



The student must have knowledge of the theories that describe the following areas:

  • Must have knowledge of the collection and analysis of empirical data.
  • Must have knowledge of analytical methods for contracting order process.
  • Must have knowledge of project management theories and methods.
  • Must have knowledge of modeling processes.
  • Must have knowledge of geotechnics and foundation.


The student must be able to:

  • Analyze a construction order process with emphasis on design and manufacturing issues.
  • Process empirical project data.
  • Explain the production, quality and cost issues in the order process.
  • Interpret the relationship between activities in production through the construction of whole models and detailed models that describe these conditions.
  • Analyze process flows and value creation.
  • Reasoning between the project and the organization's structural, technical and resource building.
  • Interpret the interaction between the parties involved in a project or contract manufacturing company's various organizational units.
  • Argue by using precise production-related terminology.
  • Describe the alternative shapes of selective structural elements, including foundation design.


  • Must be able to assess the proposed systems and their sensitivity to changes in e.g. customer demands, regulatory, quality, etc.
  • Must be able to establish operational production models. The models can be based on a deterministic, stochastic or heuristic basis.
  • Must be able to assess the importance for the company or the project of changing the current situation and introduce the proposed amendment, which must be assessed from e.g. economic, organizational, social and technical consequences.
  • Must be able to prepare and reflect on concrete implementation plans
  • Must be able to communicate the results obtained from the project work in a project report.
  • Must be able to work around the problem field project and make a joint presentation of the project results.


Project work with teacher feedback supplemented with lectures, workshops, presentation seminars and more.

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats

The module is 15 ECTS which is corresponding to 450 hours of study.



Prøvens navnProjektledelse og produktion i byggeriet
Mundtlig pba. projekt
Oral examination based on presentation seminar and project report.
CensurEkstern prøve
VurderingskriterierVurderingskriterierne er angivet i Universitetets eksamensordning

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelProject management and Production in Construction
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningssprogDansk og engelsk
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævn for Byggeri, By og Miljø
InstitutInstitut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
FakultetDet Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet