

Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The student must prepare a Master’s thesis on a subject which the student is free to select from within the framework of the selected stream. Students within the cross-disciplinary generalist stream are free to select their subject from within the framework of the entire programme. The thesis subject, which must possess an international and/or intercultural dimension, must be approved by the study board.

The subject must be presented to the study board in the shape of a synopsis comprising substantiation of the relevance of the subject and of the theoretical and methodological points of departure, a description of the main structure and disposition considered, a preliminary bibliography and the choice of writing period/submission deadline.

Students who have chosen the specialisation in Arctic Studies must write their thesis within this area.



  • the theoretical area of the selected issue
  • theories and methods for the identification and analysis of a relevant and delimited issue within the main areas of culture, communication and globalisation
  • research ethics and the implications of research work
  • reflection on the selected issue on a scientific basis


  • independently, on the basis of scientific theory and method, seeking, analysing and applying knowledge within the area of the programme
  • outlining and applying new models of analysis for the investigation of international and/or intercultural issues
  • structuring and communicating knowledge gained in an academic and accessible manner.


  • problem delimitation and problem analysis within international and/or intercultural relations within the globalised world
  • methodology-based argumentation for disciplinary choices and priorities
  • application of theories and scientific methods in relation to a specific issue
  • launching and managing complex investigations based on scientific criteria, models of analysis, and methods within the field of the selected issue

assuming responsibility for personal academic development and specialisation within the selected area

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats




Prøvens navnMaster's Thesis
Skriftlig og mundtlig
An external combined oral and written examination in: Master’s Thesis. The examination will be conducted as a dialogue between the student, the examiner and the external examiner on the basis of a Master’s thesis prepared by one or a number of students. The thesis must be no shorter than 35 pages, and must not exceed 70 pages per student, or 80 pages if the thesis is prepared by one individual student. An abstract in English of a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages must be prepared. (the pages of this abstract are not included in the overall minimum and maximum page numbers stipulated for the Master’s thesis). Normal duration of examination: 45 minutes, including voting and communication of grade, with motivation.
Tilladte hjælpemidler
Alle skriftlige og alle elektroniske hjælpemidler
CensurEkstern prøve
VurderingskriterierWeighting: a combined grade will be awarded for the abstract and the written and oral parts of the examination. Emphasis will be placed on the written performance.

The examination should demonstrate that the student fulfils the objectives outlined above as regards knowledge, understanding, skills and competencies.

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelMaster's Thesis
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævnet for Tværkulturelle Studier
InstitutInstitut for Kultur og Globale Studier
FakultetDet Humanistiske Fakultet