Globale processer


Modulets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The module comprises courses within the areas of globalisation and global processes as well as a project based study of a selected subject within the scope of this theme.

The project will be written on the basis of joint courses, in addition to one or a number of stream courses. As outlined in section 5, subsection 3, students’ choice of courses/subjects for the project of this semester will not be binding as regards specialisation wishes, if any.



  • globalisation theories and global processes, based on the highest level of international research within the field
  • relevant cultural, social, political and economic developments
  • reflection on a scientific basis on selected culture and communication theories


  • identifying scientific international and intercultural issues relating to the areas of the module
  • assessing and choosing among globalisation theories, methods and tools and, on this background, substantiating the choices made and setting up relevant models for analysis and problem solving, critical analysis, discussion and communication of knowledge of global processes
  • reflecting on a scientific basis on selected globalisation theories and global processes


  • delimitation and analysis of complex international and/or intercultural issues in a creative, independent and methodologically well-founded manner
  • launching and implementing  disciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation on global processes
  • independent continuation of personal academic development and specialisation within the selected area.

Omfang og forventet arbejdsindsats




Prøvens navnGlobal Processes
Skriftlig og mundtlig
The examination will take the form of a conversation between the student(s), the examiner and the other internal examiner on the basis of a project report prepared by the student(s).The project report will be viewed as the joint responsibility of the group, and it must not exceed 25 pages per student, or 30 pages if the report is prepared by one individual student.

Duration of examination: 20 minutes per student and 10 minutes per group for voting and announcement of the result, up to a maximum total of two hours for groups and 30 minutes for individual examinations. The stipulated time intervals include voting and announcement of result.
Tilladte hjælpemidler
Alle skriftlige og alle elektroniske hjælpemidler
CensurIntern prøve
VurderingskriterierEvaluation: grading according to the 7-point scale. A combined grade will be awarded for the written and oral part of the examination. Emphasis will be placed on the written performance.

Fakta om modulet

Engelsk titelGlobal processes
Varighed1 semester
UndervisningsstedCampus Aalborg


StudienævnStudienævnet for Tværkulturelle Studier
InstitutInstitut for Kultur og Globale Studier
FakultetDet Humanistiske Fakultet