Scientific methods and communication


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

Learning objectives


Students who complete the module:

  • Understand the scientific communication processes related to conference presentations and related to publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals
  • Are able to organize a scientific publication 
  • Have knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • Have knowledge of experimental designs
  • Have knowledge of validity and reliability of outcome measures 
  • Understand bias and statistical power in experimental designs
  • Understand principles of epidemiological research designs
  • Understand evidence-based medicine
  • Understand and can reflect on proper conduct in scientific projects
  • Understand and can reflect on ethical concerns in biomedical and sports sciences


  • Can explain the principles of hypothesis-driven research and descriptive research
  • Can critically read and judge experimental protocols in scientific articles
  • Can design an experimental protocol in relation to a scientific project 
  • Can discuss principles for creating new and validated knowledge
  • Can explain the process of and criteria for peer reviewed scientific communications 
  • Can discuss the importance of research ethics 
  • Can write an abstract for a scientific meeting and can respond to blind peer-review criticism
  • Can prepare a poster and an oral presentation for a scientific meeting
  • Can apply biostatistics and have practical experience in statistical software


  • Can set up a plan for getting an overview of existing knowledge within a scientific/technical topic 
  • Can prioritize the validity of various sources of scientific information 
  • Can evaluate scientific presentations from a communicative view point
  • Can judge the validity of scientific literature

Type of instruction

Lectures and exercises The culmination of the course is a conference, to which each student group contributes:

  1. An abstract will be submitted online after which the abstract will be reviewed by an anonymous researcher. The group has to respond to the reviewers comments and change the abstract accordingly and resubmit it for publication in the conference program.
  2. A poster, to be mounted and presented on the conference day.
  3. A short oral presentation.



Name of examScientific methods and communication
Type of exam
Active participation/continuous evaluation
AssessmentPassed/Not Passed
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentAs stated in the Joint Programme Regulations.

Additional information

Please contact the   programme student counsellors if you consider applying to the education and you have questions.

Please consult the Moodle page for your semester and contact the semester coordinator if you have academic questions, or the study secretary if you have administrative questions.

All other enquiries may be directed to Malene Møller Knudsen, secretary of the Study Board.

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Facts about the module

Danish titleVidenskabelige metoder og kommunikation
Module codeSTIST11K1_2
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Health, Science and Sports
DepartmentDepartment of Health Science and Technology
FacultyThe Faculty of Medicine

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