At the 3rd semester the student can choose between more options:
Option 1: Project semester – with or without an integrated project-oriented stay in a company (Internship)
The student may choose to carry through a traditional project semester which will normally develop the professional competence that the student has acquired within the 1st-2nd semester and/or prepare for the subject about which the student wants to write his/her thesis. The semester comprises preparation of a project report or a scientific article – possibly with the supervisor as the last author of the article.
The student may choose to integrate a project-oriented stay in a company either in Denmark or abroad in the project semester. The project-oriented stay must be of maximum 2-4 months’ duration and must be approved in advance by the Study Board of the Programme in Surveying, Planning and Land Management. For each individual project-oriented stay specific learning goals have to be drawn up, clearly reflecting the professional problem of the project.
Option 2: 1st semester of another specialisation
A student who has followed the 1st and 2nd semester under one specialisation may alternatively choose to follow the 1st semester of another specialisation on the Programme of Surveying, Planning and Land Management. In that case the student follows course and project modules at this semester in full and will in this way acquire the knowledge, skills and competences, etc. indicated in the curriculum of the 1st semester of the specialisation in question.
Option 3: International or national credit
After preceding approval by the Study Board the 3rd semester can be carried through at another educational institution in Denmark or abroad. Preceding approval (pre-credit) may be expected if studies at another educational institution will impart knowledge, skills and competences which correspond to the knowledge, skills and competences that could otherwise be obtained by following “Project semester – with or without an integrated project-oriented stay in a company (Internship)”, see above.
Option 4: Long final project (thesis)
Students may choose to complete the 3rd and 4th semesters as one long thesis (60 ECTS). Long final project is especially recommended to work with project topics, where an extraordinarily large collection of data is necessary. Final projects must be approved in advance by the Study Board, and the student must fulfil knowledge, skills and competences as indicated for Master’s theses.
Students completing the project module acquire the following:
Project work, possibly with an internship integrated into the project course.
Name of exam | Professional Development |
Type of exam | Oral exam based on a project |
ECTS | 30 |
Assessment | 7-point grading scale |
Type of grading | Internal examination |
Criteria of assessment | Stated in the framework provisions. |
Danish title | Faglig og professionel udvikling |
Module code | PGLLANK15301 |
Module type | Project |
Duration | 1 semester |
Semester | Autumn
ECTS | 30 |
Language of instruction | English |
Empty-place Scheme | Yes |
Location of the lecture | Campus Aalborg, Campus Copenhagen |
Responsible for the module | |
Used in |
Study Board | Studyboard for Planning, Geography and Surveying |
Department | Department of Planning |
Faculty | Technical Faculty of IT and Design |