Professional Development


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

At the 3rd semester the student can choose between four options:

Option 1: Project Semester – with or without Integrated Internship

The students can choose to do a traditional project semester typically founded on subject knowledge from the 1st and 2nd semesters and/or prepare for the subject about which the student wish to write a thesis. The semester comprises the preparation of a project report or a scientific article.

The student can choose to integrate an internship into the project module. The internship is typically of three months’ duration and has to be approved in advance by the semester coordinator on behalf of the Study Board of Planning, Geography and Surveying.

Option 2: Another UEEP 1st semester

A student who has followed one 1st semester under the Urban, Energy and Environmental Planning master’s programme may choose to follow another 1st semester under UEEP or Geography. In that case the student follows the course and project modules at this semester and acquires the knowledge, skills and competencies which are stated in the curriculum for the concerning semester. A 5 ECTS assignment must be prepa­red as replacement for the course module “Theories of Science and Research Designs” to meet the 30 ECTS semester load.

Option 3: International or National Credit

After previous approval by the Study Board, the 3rd semester may be transferred to another educational institution. Previous approval (pre-credit) may be expected if these studies can give the student appropriate know­ledge, skills and competencies.                          

Option 4: Extended Master’s Thesis

Students may choose to combine the 3rd and 4th semesters into an extended master’s thesis (60 ECTS). Extended theses are especially advised when working on project topics, where an extraordinary great generation of data is necessary. Theses (including extended theses) have to be approved in advance by the Study Board of Planning, Geography and Surveying, and the student has to fulfil the knowledge, skills and competencies as indicated for master’s theses. See description of 4th semester.

Students completing the project module acquire the following:

Learning objectives


  • Must within the chosen field have knowledge based on the highest international research
  • Must be able to understand and relate critically to the knowledge of the field and be able to identify either scientific problems or practical problems in a given complex context.
  • Must have knowledge of basic project management principles a) applied at the internship site (for internship projects) or b) applied in organisations working in the field in general (for projects without internships) 


  • Can master the scientific methods and tools of the field as well as general skills in relation to the solution of the chosen problem
  • Can assess and choose among the scientific methods, tools and general skills of the field and draw up new models of analysis and solution
  • Can synthesize the main issues in relation to a specific field concerning interventions and analyses, and outline recommendations for solutions or improvements
  • Can discuss professional and scientific problems with both colleagues and non-specialists
  • Can reflect on own learning

For internship projects the following furthermore apply:

  • Can compare project management principles at the internship site with approaches to project management applied in university project work
  • Can give an account of experience within the practical work processes and methods gained in the specific context of the internship and is able to perform a critical evaluation of the applied work processes
  • Can reflect on the significance of the interventions or analyses involved in during the internship, including purpose, strategic and/or political implications, and future use
  • Can comprehend the organisational framework conditions under which the internship and the specific interventions or analyses take place


  • Can manage work and development situations which are complex, unpredictable and require new solution models
  • Can independently start and carry through professional and interdisciplinary cooperation and take a professional responsibility
  • Can independently take responsibility for own professional development and specialisation

Type of instruction

Problem-based project work, possibly with internship integrated.



Name of examProfessional Development
Type of exam
Oral exam based on a project
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentStated in the Joint Programme Regulations.
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Facts about the module

Danish titleFaglig udvikling
Module codePGLBEMK17301
Module typeProject
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Empty-place SchemeYes
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudyboard for Planning, Geography and Surveying
DepartmentDepartment of Planning
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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