System Organization and Industrialization of Services


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

2nd semester or similar

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The purpose of this module is to provide strategic insights for the organization of service systems of higher complexity that are based on modularization, distribution of work and competences and economy of scale and scope. The module will provide theoretical knowledge about organizational issues in this area and a series of theoretical contributions that will frame the development of such systems from a design perspective.

Learning objectives


Students who complete this module will obtain the following qualifications

  • Knowledge about organisation structures, strategic and political issues and potential risks.
  • Understand organisational issues in relation to change and innovation.
  • Knowledge of how service platforms can be organised according to industrial principles of economy of scale/scope, reproducibility, distribution of work and competences.
  • Knowledge on how design competences can be used in driving change in organisation.


Students who complete this module will obtain the following qualifications

  • Apply appropriate methods and tools to support innovation processes in organisation.
  • Evaluate the impact of change in organisation and in service quality.
  • Interpret, understand and address (synthesis) the need and the opportunities for design-driven change within organisations.


Students who complete this module will obtain the following qualifications

  • Evaluate potential risks and power issues in organisations.
  • Support innovation processes in service organisation by applying appropriate design strategies.
  • Evaluate design issues that can address innovation in organisation.

Type of instruction

See general description of the types of instruction described in the introduction to Chapter 3.



Name of examSystem Organization and Industrialization of Services
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
In accordance with the current Framework Provisions and directions on examination from the Study Board for Media Technology:
Individual oral (based on a presentation and discussion) or written (a report) examination with internal censor. The assessment is performed in accordance with the 7-point scale.
Permitted aids
With certain aids:
See semester description
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria for evaluation are provided in the Framework Provisions.
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Facts about the module

Danish titleSystemorganisation og industrialisering af serviceydelser
Module codeMSNSSDM3123
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Copenhagen
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Media Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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