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Sound Processing


Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

This class introduces the fundamental sound technology of digital signal processing from the viewpoint of sound synthesis and digital audio effects. Signal processing is concerned with the theory and practice behind acquisition, analysis, modification, and reconstruction of signals. It involves such theory as sampling and quantization, linear time-invariant systems, difference equations, the Fourier transform in its various forms, and the z-transform. The proper application and development of such systems requires competences in the acquisition and manipulation of sounds.

Learning objectives


Students who complete the course module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Understand the application of transforms to analyze signals and systems
  • Understand digital sampling, quantization, and reconstruction of audio signals, and the variety of technical specifications that accompany such systems, e.g., sampling rate, bit rate, quantization resolution, etc.
  • Understand linear discrete-time systems
  • Understand the z-transform for analyzing systems
  • Understand transfer functions and frequency response
  • Understand the Fourier transform in its various forms (including windowing)
  • Understand the basic filter types, such as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, etc., filters
  • Understand filter implementations (IIR, FIR, forms) and their differences
  • Understand delay lines and delay based effects (flangers, vibrato, chorus, echo)
  • Understanding modulators and demodulators
  • Understand different filter design methods
  • Understand dynamic range control (e.g., compressor, expander, noise gate)
  • Understanding spatial effects


Students who complete the course module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Design, implement and apply filters to sound and music signals and evaluate the results
  • Apply the Fourier transform to analyzing signals and systems
  • Apply the z-transform to analysis and design of filters
  • Apply signal processing theory to the design of filters and digital audio effects.


Students who complete the course module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Apply appropriate methods and tools to analyze a sampled audio signal and evaluate with a high level of detail the content represented in the data
  • Apply appropriate methods and tools to the design of a sound processing system comprising filters and/or audio effects
  • Apply appropriate methods and tools to analyze a digital system and evaluate with a high level of detail how it affects sampled audio data passed through it.

Type of instruction

Lectures and laboratories.



Name of examSound Processing
Type of exam
Oral exam
In accordance with the current Joint Programme Regulations and directions on examination from the Study Board for Media Technology: Oral examination comprising examination in a) theoretical parts (lectures) and b) practical part (laboratories), grading according to the 7-point scale with internal censor.
Permitted aids
With certain aids:
Please see Semester Description.
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria for the evaluation are specified in the Joint Programme Regulations.
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Facts about the module

Danish titleLydprocessering
Module codeMSNSMCM1172
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Copenhagen, Campus Aalborg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Media Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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