Foundations in Medialogy


Prerequisite/Recommended prerequisite for participation in the module

1st semester or equivalent

Content, progress and pedagogy of the module

The goal of this course is to provide the foundations necessary to perform advanced work in the student-selected specialization in the 9th and 10th semesters. Students explore state of the art theories and techniques in a formalized manner by analyzing a selection of research textsfundamental to thespecialization through, e.g.,critical annotations, paper presentations, reproduction of experiments, etc.

Learning objectives


Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Must be able to understand theories and principles related to the chosen specialization.


Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Must be able to analyse research topics in the chosen specialization

  • Must be able to analyse research papers related to the chosen specialization

  • Must be able to apply concepts, tools, theories and technologies of the chosen specialization to address a specific research problem


Students who complete the module will obtain the following qualifications:

  • Must be able to critically evaluate the developed application, and explain its relevance in science and society

Type of instruction

Refer to the overview of instruction types listed in the start of chapter 3. The types of instruction for this course are decided in accordance with the current Framework Provisions and directions are decided and given by the Study Board for Media Technology.



Name of examFoundations in Medialogy
Type of exam
Written or oral exam
In accordance with the current Framework Provisions and directions on examination from the Study Board for Media Technology:

Oral or written examination with internal censor. The assessment is performed in accordance with the 7-point scale.
Permitted aids
With certain aids:
See semester description
Assessment7-point grading scale
Type of gradingInternal examination
Criteria of assessmentThe criteria for the evaluation are specified in the Framework Provisions.
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Facts about the module

Danish titleFoundations in Medialogy
Module codeMSNMEDM2142
Module typeCourse
Duration1 semester
Language of instructionEnglish
Location of the lectureCampus Aalborg, Campus Copenhagen, Campus Esbjerg
Responsible for the module
Used in


Study BoardStudy Board of Media Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
FacultyTechnical Faculty of IT and Design

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